Visible to the public Hardware Security Vulnerability Assessment to Identify the Potential Risks in A Critical Embedded Application

TitleHardware Security Vulnerability Assessment to Identify the Potential Risks in A Critical Embedded Application
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsKazemi, Z., Fazeli, M., Hély, D., Beroulle, V.
Conference Name2020 IEEE 26th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS)
Date PublishedJuly 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-8187-5
Keywordscomposability, critical embedded application, critical medical IoT device, Detection and Mitigation, embedded software developers, Embedded systems, Fault Attacks, fault injection attack, fault injection attacks, hardware security, hardware security assessment approach, hardware security vulnerability assessment, Internet of Things, Internet of Things (IoT), Metrics, microcontrollers, patient care, physical attacks, power system security, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, resilient applications, safety-critical applications, safety-critical software, secure embedded IoT applications, security challenges, security of data, security risks, similar MCU-based applications

Internet of Things (IoT) is experiencing significant growth in the safety-critical applications which have caused new security challenges. These devices are becoming targets for different types of physical attacks, which are exacerbated by their diversity and accessibility. Therefore, there is a strict necessity to support embedded software developers to identify and remediate the vulnerabilities and create resilient applications against such attacks. In this paper, we propose a hardware security vulnerability assessment based on fault injection of an embedded application. In our security assessment, we apply a fault injection attack by using our clock glitch generator on a critical medical IoT device. Furthermore, we analyze the potential risks of ignoring these attacks in this embedded application. The results will inform the embedded software developers of various security risks and the required steps to improve the security of similar MCU-based applications. Our hardware security assessment approach is easy to apply and can lead to secure embedded IoT applications against fault attacks.

Citation Keykazemi_hardware_2020