Visible to the public Mobile security labware with smart devices for cybersecurity education

TitleMobile security labware with smart devices for cybersecurity education
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsQian, Kai, Dan Lo, Chia-Tien, Guo, Minzhe, Bhattacharya, Prabir, Yang, Li
Conference NameIEEE 2nd Integrated STEM Education Conference
Date PublishedMarch 2012
ISBN Number978-1-4673-1096-3
Keywordscomputer security, cyber education, cyber physical systems, cybersecurity, cybersecurity education, Educational institutions, labware, Mobile communication, mobile security, privacy, pubcrawl, smart mobile device, smart phones

Smart mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have become an integral part of our society. However, it also becomes a prime target for attackers with malicious intents. There have been a number of efforts on developing innovative courseware to promote cybersecurity education and to improve student learning; however, hands-on labs are not well developed for smart mobile devices and for mobile security topics. In this paper, we propose to design and develop a mobile security labware with smart mobile devices to promote the cybersecurity education. The integration of mobile computing technologies and smart devices into cybersecurity education will connect the education to leading-edge information technologies, motivate and engage students in security learning, fill in the gap with IT industry need, and help faculties build expertise on mobile computing. In addition, the hands-on experience with mobile app development will promote student learning and supply them with a better understanding of security knowledge not only in classical security domains but also in the emerging mobile security areas.

Citation Keyqian_mobile_2012