Visible to the public The Risk of Industrial Control System Programmable Logic Controller Default Configurations

TitleThe Risk of Industrial Control System Programmable Logic Controller Default Configurations
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSu, K.-M., Liu, I.-H., Li, J.-S.
Conference Name2020 International Computer Symposium (ICS)
Date PublishedDec. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-9255-0
Keywordsdefault configurations, Ethernet, Ethernet modules, industrial control, industrial control systems (ICS), integrated circuits, password, programmable logic controller (PLC), Programmable logic devices, Protocols, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, risk, Scalability, security, Security by Default
AbstractIn recent years, many devices in industrial control systems (ICS) equip Ethernet modules for more efficient communication and more fiexible deployment. Many communication protocols of those devices are based on internet protocol, which brings the above benefits but also makes it easier to access by anyone including attackers. In the case of using the factory default configurations, we wiiˆ demonstrate how to easily modify the programmable logic controllers (PLCs) program through the Integrated Development Environment provided by the manufacturer under the security protection of PLC not set properly and discuss the severity of it.
Citation Keysu_risk_2020