Visible to the public A Linear Programing Formulation of Time-Coupled Flexibility Market Bids by Storage Systems

TitleA Linear Programing Formulation of Time-Coupled Flexibility Market Bids by Storage Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSchmitt, Carlo, Sous, Tobias, Blank, Andreas, Gaumnitz, Felix, Moser, Albert
Conference Name2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC)
Date Publishedsep
Keywordscongestion management, coupled congestion control, distributed generation, electric vehicles, energy storage systems, Local Flexibility Markets, Optimization, power generation, pubcrawl, renewable energy sources, Resiliency, Resistance heating, Scalability, Schedules
AbstractLocal flexibility markets are a concept to integrate distributed flexibilities such as power-to-gas, power-to-heat systems, electric vehicles, and battery storage systems into congestion management of distribution and transmission grids. However, the activation of the flexibility of storage systems changes their state-of-charge and thus reduces their available flexibility. Counter-trading or compensation of activated flexibility in later points of time lets storage operators regain flexibility. However, this compensation might create or amplify congestions when not supervised by system operators. Therefore, we propose the inclusion of compensation within the flexibility market clearing process by system operators. We further develop a linear formulation of flexibility market bids by storage systems that takes the need for compensation into account. For this, first, the operational planning formulation of a storage system is expanded by flexibility market participation. Subsequently, the linear formulation of bids is derived and demonstrated.
Citation Keyschmitt_linear_2020