Visible to the public WIP: An Onion-Based Routing Protocol Strengthening Anonymity

TitleWIP: An Onion-Based Routing Protocol Strengthening Anonymity
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsBuccafurri, Francesco, Angelis, Vincenzo De, Francesca Idone, Maria, Labrini, Cecilia
Conference Name2021 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM)
KeywordsAnalytical models, anonymity, Anonymous Communication Networks, composability, Global Adversary Model, Human Behavior, Metrics, Multimedia communication, Onion, overlay networks, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Routing, Routing protocols, Timing, Wireless communication
AbstractAnonymous Communication Networks (ACNs) are networks in which, beyond data confidentiality, also traffic flow confidentiality is provided. The most popular routing approach for ACNs also used in practice is Onion. Onion is based on multiple encryption wrapping combined with the proxy mechanism (relay nodes). However, it offers neither sender anonymity nor recipient anonymity in a global passive adversary model, simply because the adversary can observe (at the first relay node) the traffic coming from the sender, and (at the last relay node) the traffic delivered to the recipient. This may also cause a loss of relationship anonymity if timing attacks are performed. This paper presents Onion-Ring, a routing protocol that improves anonymity of Onion in the global adversary model, by achieving sender anonymity and recipient anonymity, and thus relationship anonymity.
Citation Keybuccafurri_wip_2021