Visible to the public Representing Consent and Policies for Compliance

TitleRepresenting Consent and Policies for Compliance
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsBonatti, Piero A., Sauro, Luigi, Langens, Jonathan
Conference Name2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS PW)
Date Publishedsep
Keywordscompliance checking, data protection, JSON policies., Manifolds, policy-based governance, privacy, pubcrawl, Regulation, reliability, security policies, Semantic policy languages, Semantics, Syntactics
AbstractBeing compliant with the GDPR (and data protection regulations in general) is a difficult task, that calls for manifold, computer-based automated support. In this context, several use cases related to the management and the enforcement of privacy policies and consent call for a machine-understandable policy language, equipped with reliable algorithms for compliance checking and explanations. In this paper, we outline a set of requirements for such languages and algorithms, and address such requirements with a framework based on a profile of OWL2 and a set of policy serializations based on popular formats such as ODRL and JSON. Such ``external'' policy syntax is translated into the ``internal'' OWL2 syntax, thereby enabling semantic compliance checking and explanations using specialized OWL2 reasoners. We provide a precise definition of both the OWL2 profile and the external policy language based on JSON.
Citation Keybonatti_representing_2021