Visible to the public Security Protection Scheme of Embedded System Running Environment based on TCM

TitleSecurity Protection Scheme of Embedded System Running Environment based on TCM
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsXu, Chao, Cheng, Yiqing, Cheng, Weihua, Ji, Shen, Li, Wei
Conference Name2021 2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology (AINIT)
Date Publishedoct
Keywordschain of trust, composability, cryptographic application, embedded OS, Embedded systems, Encryption, Metrics, performance evaluation, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Runtime environment, Seminars, Software algorithms, system enforcement, Trusted Computing
AbstractMobile embedded terminals widely applied in individual lives, but its security threats become more and more serious. Malicious attacker can steal sensitive information such as user's phonebook, credit card information by instrumenting malicious programs, or compromising vulnerable software. Against these problems, this paper proposes a scheme for trusted protection system on the embedded platform. The system uses SM algorithms and hardware security chip as the root of trust to establish security mechanisms, including trusted boot of system image, trusted monitoring of the system running environment, disk partition encryption and verification, etc. These security mechanisms provide comprehensive protection to embedded system boot, runtime and long-term storage devices. This paper introduces the architecture and principles of the system software, design system security functions and implement prototype system for protection of embedded OS. The experiments results indicates the promotion of embedded system security and the performance test shows that encryption performance can meet the practical application.
Citation Keyxu_security_2021