Visible to the public Asymptotically Stable Fault Tolerant Control for Nonlinear Systems Through Differential Game Theory

TitleAsymptotically Stable Fault Tolerant Control for Nonlinear Systems Through Differential Game Theory
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsXia, Hongbing, Bao, Jinzhou, Guo, Ping
Conference Name2021 17th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS)
Date Publishednov
Keywordsactuators, Adaptive dynamic programming, Asymptotic stability, asymptotically stable, control theory, Differential game, differential games, fault tolerant control, Human Behavior, human factors, Neural networks, pubcrawl, Reliability engineering, reliability theory, Resiliency, Scalability, security, Stability analysis
AbstractThis paper investigates an asymptotically stable fault tolerant control (FTC) method for nonlinear continuous-time systems (NCTS) with actuator failures via differential game theory (DGT). Based on DGT, the FTC problem can be regarded as a two-player differential game problem with control player and fault player, which is solved by utilizing adaptive dynamic programming technique. Using a critic-only neural network, the cost function is approximated to obtain the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equation (HJIE). Then, the FTC strategy can be obtained based on the saddle point of HJIE, and ensures the satisfactory control performance for NCTS. Furthermore, the closed-loop NCTS can be guaranteed to be asymptotically stable, rather than ultimately uniformly bounded in corresponding existing methods. Finally, a simulation example is provided to verify the safe and reliable fault tolerance performance of the designed control method.
Citation Keyxia_asymptotically_2021