Visible to the public Applying Chemical Linguistics and Stylometry for Deriving an Author’s Scientific Profile

TitleApplying Chemical Linguistics and Stylometry for Deriving an Author’s Scientific Profile
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsTeodorescu, Horia-Nicolai
Conference Name2021 International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS)
Keywordsauthor profile, chemical linguistics, frequency-domain analysis, Google Scholar, Human Behavior, Linguistics, Metrics, NLP, pubcrawl, stylometry, Terminology, Tokenization, Tools, Vocabulary, Web search, Writing
AbstractThe study exercises computational linguistics, specifically chemical linguistics methods for profiling an author. We analyze the vocabulary and the style of the titles of the most visible works of Cristofor I. Simionescu, an internationally well-known chemist, for detecting specific patterns of his research interests and methods. Somewhat surprisingly, while the tools used are elementary and there is only a small number of words in the analysis, some interesting details emerged about the work of the analyzed personality. Some of these aspects were confirmed by experts in the field. We believe this is the first study aiming to author profiling in chemical linguistics, moreover the first to question the usefulness of Google Scholar for author profiling.
Citation Keyteodorescu_applying_2021