Visible to the public Scheduling Real Tim Security Aware Tasks in Fog Networks

TitleScheduling Real Tim Security Aware Tasks in Fog Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsSingh, Anil, Auluck, Nitin, Rana, Omer, Nepal, Surya
Conference Name2021 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES)
Date Publishedsep
KeywordsComputer architecture, Data analysis, delays, Fog Computing, pubcrawl, Real-time Systems, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, Scheduling algorithms, security, Time factors
AbstractFog computing extends the capability of cloud services to support latency sensitive applications. Adding fog computing nodes in proximity to a data generation/ actuation source can support data analysis tasks that have stringent deadline constraints. We introduce a real time, security-aware scheduling algorithm that can execute over a fog environment [1 , 2] . The applications we consider comprise of: (i) interactive applications which are less compute intensive, but require faster response time; (ii) computationally intensive batch applications which can tolerate some delay in execution. From a security perspective, applications are divided into three categories: public, private and semi-private which must be hosted over trusted, semi-trusted and untrusted resources. We propose the architecture and implementation of a distributed orchestrator for fog computing, able to combine task requirements (both performance and security) and resource properties.
Citation Keysingh_scheduling_2021