A wide variety of security software systems need to be integrated into a Security Orchestration Platform (SecOrP) to streamline the processes of defending against and responding to cybersecurity attacks. Lack of interpretability and interoperability among security systems are considered the key challenges to fully leverage the potential of the collective capabilities of different security systems. The processes of integrating security systems are repetitive, time-consuming and error-prone; these processes are carried out manually by human experts or using ad-hoc methods. To help automate security systems integration processes, we propose an Ontology-driven approach for Security OrchestrAtion Platform (OnSOAP). The developed solution enables interpretability, and interoperability among security systems, which may exist in operational silos. We demonstrate OnSOAP's support for automated integration of security systems to execute the incident response process with three security systems (Splunk, Limacharlie, and Snort) for a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The evaluation results show that OnSOAP enables SecOrP to interpret the input and output of different security systems, produce error-free integration details, and make security systems interoperable with each other to automate and accelerate an incident response process.
Antifragile systems enhance their capabilities and become stronger when exposed to adverse conditions, stresses or attacks, making antifragility a desirable property for cyber defence systems that operate in contested military environments. Self-improvement in autonomic systems refers to the improvement of their self-* capabilities, so that they are able to (a) better handle previously known (anticipated) situations, and (b) deal with previously unknown (unanticipated) situations. In this position paper, we present a vision of using self-improvement through learning to achieve antifragility in autonomic cyber defence systems. We first enumerate some of the major challenges associated with realizing distributed self-improvement. We then propose a reference model for middleware frameworks for self-improving autonomic systems and a set of desirable features of such frameworks.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly being used in applications ranging from precision agriculture to critical national infrastructure by deploying a large number of resource-constrained devices in hostile environments. These devices are being exploited to launch attacks in cyber systems. As a result, security has become a significant concern in the design of IoT based applications. In this paper, we present a security architecture for IoT networks by leveraging the underlying features supported by Software Defined Networks (SDN). Our security architecture restricts network access to authenticated IoT devices. We use fine granular policies to secure the flows in the IoT network infrastructure and provide a lightweight protocol to authenticate IoT devices. Such an integrated security approach involving authentication of IoT devices and enabling authorized flows can help to protect IoT networks from malicious IoT devices and attacks.
Symmetric Searchable Encryption (SSE) has received wide attention due to its practical application in searching on encrypted data. Beyond search, data addition and deletion are also supported in dynamic SSE schemes. Unfortunately, these update operations leak some information of updated data. To address this issue, forward-secure SSE is actively explored to protect the relations of newly updated data and previously searched keywords. On the contrary, little work has been done in backward security, which enforces that search should not reveal information of deleted data. In this paper, we propose the first practical and non-interactive backward-secure SSE scheme. In particular, we introduce a new form of symmetric encryption, named symmetric puncturable encryption (SPE), and construct a generic primitive from simple cryptographic tools. Based on this primitive, we then present a backward-secure SSE scheme that can revoke a server's searching ability on deleted data. We instantiate our scheme with a practical puncturable pseudorandom function and implement it on a large dataset. The experimental results demonstrate its efficiency and scalability. Compared to the state-of-the-art, our scheme achieves a speedup of almost 50x in search latency, and a saving of 62% in server storage consumption.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest Internet evolution that incorporates a diverse range of things such as sensors, actuators, and services deployed by different organizations and individuals to support a variety of applications. The information captured by IoT present an unprecedented opportunity to solve large-scale problems in those application domains to deliver services; example applications include precision agriculture, environment monitoring, smart health, smart manufacturing, and smart cities. Like all other Internet based services in the past, IoT-based services are also being developed and deployed without security consideration. By nature, IoT devices and services are vulnerable to malicious cyber threats as they cannot be given the same protection that is received by enterprise services within an enterprise perimeter. While IoT services will play an important role in our daily life resulting in improved productivity and quality of life, the trend has also “encouraged” cyber-exploitation and evolution and diversification of malicious cyber threats. Hence, there is a need for coordinated efforts from the research community to address resulting concerns, such as those presented in this special section. Several potential research topics are also identified in this special section.