Visible to the public Enhancing Source-Location Privacy in IoT Wireless Sensor Networks Routing

TitleEnhancing Source-Location Privacy in IoT Wireless Sensor Networks Routing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsAlzaabi, Aaesha, Aldoobi, Ayesha, Alserkal, Latifa, Alnuaimi, Deena, Alsuwaidi, Mahra, Ababneh, Nedal
Conference Name2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering Technology (CCET)
Date Publishedaug
Keywordscomponent, composability, compositionality, Costs, Encryption, energy consumption, evaluation, Human Behavior, location privacy, Location Privacy in Wireless Networks, Metrics, privacy, Protocols, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Routing, Source Location Privavy, Wireless communication, wireless networks, Wireless sensor networks, WSN
AbstractWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and their implementations have been the subject of numerous studies over the last two decades. WSN gathers, processes, and distributes wireless data to the database storage center. This study aims to explain the four main components of sensor nodes and the mechanism of WSN's. WSNs have 5 available types that will be discussed and explained in this paper. In addition to that, shortest path routing will be thoroughly analyzed. In "The Protocol". Reconfigurable logic applications have grown in number and complexity. Shortest path routing is a method of finding paths through a network with the least distance or other cost metric. The efficiency of the shortest path protocol mechanism and the reliability of encryption are both present which adds security and accuracy of location privacy and message delivery. There are different forms of key management, such as symmetric and asymmetric encryption, each with its own set of processing techniques. The use of encryption technique to secure sensor nodes is addressed, as well as how we overcame the problem with the aid of advanced techniques. Our major findings are that adding more security doesn't cost much and by cost we mean energy consumption, throughput and latency.
Citation Keyalzaabi_enhancing_2021