Visible to the public Validation of the standstill magnetization strategy of a FeCrCo-based Variable Flux Memory Machine

TitleValidation of the standstill magnetization strategy of a FeCrCo-based Variable Flux Memory Machine
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
Authorsde Sousa, Flavia Domingues, Battiston, Alexandre, PIERFEDERICI, Serge, Meibody-Tabar, Farid
Conference Name2021 24th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS)
Date Publishedoct
Keywordscomposability, compositionality, FeCrCo-based magnets, Magnetic flux, magnetic hysteresis, Magnetic Remanence, Magnetization, Metals, parallel processing, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Rotors, Solids, Standstill magnetization, Variable Flux Memory Machines
AbstractThe use of AlNiCo alloys as the low coercive force (LCF) magnet in Variable Flux Memory Machines has been largely discussed in the literature, but similar magnetic materials as FeCrCo are still little explored. This paper proposes the study of a standstill magnetization strategy of a Variable Flux Memory Machine composed by a FeCrCo-based cylindrical rotor. An inverter in DC/DC mode is proposed for injecting short-time currents along the magnetization axis aiming the regulation of the magnetization state of the FeCrCo. A methodology for validating results obtained is defined from the estimation of the remanence and the excitation field characterizing the behavior of the internal recoil lines of the magnet used in the rotor. A study of the armature reaction affecting the machine when q-axis currents supply the machine is proposed by simulation.
Citation Keyde_sousa_validation_2021