Visible to the public Investigation of Computer Incidents as an Important Component in the Security of Maritime Transportation

TitleInvestigation of Computer Incidents as an Important Component in the Security of Maritime Transportation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsShipunov, Ilya S., Nyrkov, Anatoliy P., Ryabenkov, Maksim U., Morozova, Elena V., Goloskokov, Konstantin P.
Conference Name2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus)
Keywordsautomated information system, Collaboration, composability, computer incident, computer security, cyber-attacks, forensic science, Framework, Human Behavior, human factors, Information security, Malware, Metrics, modern shipping, Policy Based Governance, pubcrawl, reliability, resilience, Resiliency, reverse engineering, Scalability, science of security, security system, Software, Tools, Transportation
AbstractThe risk of detecting incidents in the field of computer technology in Maritime transport is considered. The structure of the computer incident investigation system and its functions are given. The system of conducting investigations of computer incidents on sea transport is considered. A possible algorithm for investigating the incident using the tools of forensic science and an algorithm for transmitting the received data for further processing are presented.
Citation Keyshipunov_investigation_2021