Visible to the public Secrecy Outage Performance Analysis for IRS-Aided Cognitive Radio NOMA Networks

TitleSecrecy Outage Performance Analysis for IRS-Aided Cognitive Radio NOMA Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsNguyen, Tu-Trinh Thi, Nguyen, Xuan-Xinh, Kha, Ha Hoang
Conference Name2022 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE)
Date Publishedjul
KeywordsCognitive radio, Cognitive Radio Security, intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), Monte Carlo methods, NOMA, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), Performance analysis, physical layer security, physical layer security., probability, pubcrawl, Rayleigh channels, Resiliency, simulation
AbstractThis paper investigates the physical layer security of a cognitive radio (CR) non-orthogonal multiple-access (NOMA) network supported by an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS). In a CR network, a secondary base station (BS) serves a couple of users, i.e., near and far users, via NOMA transmission under eavesdropping from a malicious attacker. It is assumed that the direct transmission link from the BS and far user is absent due to obstacles. Thus, an IRS is utilized to support far user communication, however, the communication links between the IRS and near/primary users are neglected because of heavy attenuation. The exact secrecy outage probability (SOP) for the near user and approximate SOP for the far user are then derived in closed-form by using the Gauss-Chebyshev approach. The accuracy of the derived analytical SOP is then verified through Monte Carlo simulations. The simulation results also provide useful insights on the impacts of the number of IRS reflecting elements and limited interference temperature on the system SOP.
Citation Keynguyen_secrecy_2022