Visible to the public 10 Gigabit industrial thermal data acquisition and storage solution based on software-defined network

Title10 Gigabit industrial thermal data acquisition and storage solution based on software-defined network
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsZhang, Ge, Zhang, Zheyu, Sun, Jun, Wang, Zun, Wang, Rui, Wang, Shirui, Xie, Chengyun
Conference Name2022 7th IEEE International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC)
Date Publishedjul
Keywordsdata acquisition, Data collection, DPDK, flow collection and aggregation, industrial control, industrial control system, industrial control systems, industrial thermal data, Logic gates, Packet loss, pubcrawl, reliability, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, Timing
AbstractWith the wide application of Internet technology in the industrial control field, industrial control networks are getting larger and larger, and the industrial data generated by industrial control systems are increasing dramatically, and the performance requirements of the acquisition and storage systems are getting higher and higher. The collection and analysis of industrial equipment work logs and industrial timing data can realize comprehensive management and continuous monitoring of industrial control system work status, as well as intrusion detection and energy efficiency analysis in terms of traffic and data. In the face of increasingly large realtime industrial data, existing log collection systems and timing data gateways, such as packet loss and other phenomena [1], can not be more complete preservation of industrial control network thermal data. The emergence of software-defined networking provides a new solution to realize massive thermal data collection in industrial control networks. This paper proposes a 10-gigabit industrial thermal data acquisition and storage scheme based on software-defined networking, which uses software-defined networking technology to solve the problem of insufficient performance of existing gateways.
Citation Keyzhang_10_2022