Submitted by Katie Dey on Wed, 09/23/2015 - 11:25am
National Science Foundation (NSF) Assistant Director for the Directorate of Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) James Kurose has issued the following letter to the community describing the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTc) Program Director position available:
Submitted by Ioan Dumitrache on Fri, 06/20/2014 - 7:06am
The third International Workshop - IWOCPS 3 took place on the 29-30th of May 2014, addressing theoretical, methodological and technological aspects in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems.
Please contact Virginia Talati (see below) you have any suggestions of people to involve in this National Research Council's Computer Science and Telecommunication Board study. Self-recommendations are welcome.