Visible to the public Proposal of a secure, deployable and transparent middleware for Internet of Things

TitleProposal of a secure, deployable and transparent middleware for Internet of Things
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsCerqueira Ferreira, H.G., De Sousa, R.T., Gomes de Deus, F.E., Dias Canedo, E.
Conference NameInformation Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2014 9th Iberian Conference on
Date PublishedJune
KeywordsAES, authentication, Authorization, Computer architecture, data exchange service authenticity, data exchange service confidentiality, data exchange service integrity, data exchange service privacy, data integrity, data privacy, deployable middleware, electronic data interchange, Internet of Things, IoT transparent middleware, middleware, oAuth, protection measures, secure middleware, security, security architecture, security of data, smart objects, TLS, Transparent Middleware, Zigbee

This paper proposes a security architecture for an IoT transparent middleware. Focused on bringing real life objects to the virtual realm, the proposed architecture is deployable and comprises protection measures based on existent technologies for security such as AES, TLS and oAuth. This way, privacy, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality on data exchange services are integrated to provide security for generated smart objects and for involved users and services in a reliable and deployable manner.

Citation Key6877069