Visible to the public Implementation of randomize-then-combine constructed hash function

TitleImplementation of randomize-then-combine constructed hash function
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsChi Sing Chum, Changha Jun, Xiaowen Zhang
Conference NameWireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC), 2014 23rd
Date PublishedMay
Keywordsblock-by-block message processing, cryptography, Educational institutions, hash function construction, Hash function implementation, incremental hash function, iterative hash function, Iterative methods, Merkle-Damgard construction, Message systems, multi-threading, pair block chaining, parallel multithreaded programming, Programming, Random access memory, randomize-then-combine, randomize-then-combine technique, Resistance, Vectors

Hash functions, such as SHA (secure hash algorithm) and MD (message digest) families that are built upon Merkle-Damgard construction, suffer many attacks due to the iterative nature of block-by-block message processing. Chum and Zhang [4] proposed a new hash function construction that takes advantage of the randomize-then-combine technique, which was used in the incremental hash functions, to the iterative hash function. In this paper, we implement such hash construction in three ways distinguished by their corresponding padding methods. We conduct the experiment in parallel multi-threaded programming settings. The results show that the speed of proposed hash function is no worse than SHA1.

Citation Key6839925