Visible to the public SCC Meeting 7 - Program Agenda

Software Certification Consortium Meeting #7
The Strategic Vision for the State of Practice in  Software Certification

May 1-2, 2011 | Annapolis, Maryland

Conference Archives:


SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2011
1145 - 1300 Lunch
1300 - 1315 Welcome and Introduction
SESSION 1: The Nature of Software Certification
1315 - 1345 What is Software Certification?
Marc Bender, McSCert
1345 - 1415 Is Certified Software Actually Correct?
Brian Larson, Multitude Corporation
1415 - 1500 Discussion and questions
1500 - 1515 Coffee
SESSION 2: Visions from Regulators
1515 - 1545 Strategic Vision in Certifiable Software: Cross-domain commonalities
Sushil Birla, US NRC
1545 - 1615 Certification and Assurance Cases in a Regulatory Environment
Paul Jones, US FDA
1615 - 1700 Discussion and questions
SESSION 3: SCC Business
1700 - 1730 SCC Scope of work
1830 - 2000 Dinner
MONDAY, MAY 2, 2011
0700 - 0830 Breakfast
SESSION 4: The Big Picture
0830 - 0900 Cost-Effective Certification of Software-Intensive Systems
Nancy Leveson, MIT
0900 - 0930 Objective Versus Prescriptive Standards for Certification of Software-Intensive Systems
Jeff Joyce, Critical Systems Labs
0930 - 1015 Discussion and questions
1015 - 1030 Coffee
SESSION 5: Domain Specific Visions
1030 - 1100 Automotive Software Safety: Current Practice and Future Challenges & Opportunities
Joe D’Ambrosio, GM R&D
1100- 1130 A Strategic Vision for the State of Practice for Certifying eHealth Software
Jens Weber, UVic
1130 - 1200 Discussion and questions
1200 - 1315 Lunch
SESSION 6: Visions from Government Agencies
1315 - 1345 Security Assurance Cases
Bob Warne, CESG UK
1345 - 1415 Standards-based Conformity Assessment of (Software) Products
Lisa Carnahan, NIST
1415 - 1500 Discussion and questions
1500 - 1515 Coffee
SESSION 7: The Medical Domain
1515 - 1545 Toward the model-based development of a GPCA reference implementation
Insup Lee, UPenn
1545 - 1615 An Overview of Regulatory and Trust Issues for the Integrated Clinical Environment
John Hatcliff, Kansas State
1615 - 1700 Discussion and questions
SESSION 8: Finale
1700 - 1730 Conclusion