Tutotial at ESWEEK 2015: Parameter-Invariant Monitor Design for Cyber Physical Systems
With recent advances in low-power low-cost communication, sensing, and actuation technologies, Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) have revolutionized automated medical diagnostics and care, building energy management, and smart grids. With this revolution, dawns a new era of CPS monitoring where fusing measurements from multiple devices provides unprecedented early detection of critical events. However, in some applications (e.g. medical diagnostics) explicit models and/or rich training data relating available measurements to events are unavailable or impractical. Under these troublesome scenarios, this tutorial presents a parameter-invariant approach to monitor design. Owing its mathematical origin to the robust radar signal processing literature, the parameter-invariant approach is presented as consisting of three components: (1) foundations of parameter-invariant design, (2) modeling physical process for monitoring, and (3) constant false alarm rate (CFAR) hypothesis testing. To illustrate each component, this tutorial makes extensive use of case study monitors related to medical alarms, building energy management, and power grids.
A similar tutorial is given at ICHI 2015
Presenters: James Weimer, Oleg Sokolsky, and Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania