Source Localization by a Network of Imperfect Binary Sensors
In this work, target or source localization and tracking by a network of primitive binary sensors under various imperfections are studied. Detailed analysis and mathematical modeling of imperfect binary sensors are presented. Imperfections include sensor failures of two types, uncertainty and heterogeneity in binary sensor trigger thresholds, presence of noise and non-radial symmetry of sensing ranges. Numerical algorithms for source localization and tracking are proposed along with convergence and asymptotic normality results. Further a number of interesting insights are obtained. Finally, a distributive way to calculate the globally optimal estimate by using only local information provided by binary sensors is derived.
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- CPS Domains
- Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector
- Critical Infrastructure
- Wireless Sensing and Actuation
- CPS Technologies
- Argonne National Laboratory
- binary sensor
- source localization
- University of Iowa
- 2015 CPS PI MTG Videos, Posters, and Abstracts
- National CPS PI Meeting 2015
- 2015
- Academia
- Abstract
- Poster