CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Collaborative Vehicular Systems
The ongoing research aims to develop rules to study and methods to coordinate a network of fully and partially self-driving vehicles, interacting with conventional vehicles driven by people on a complex road grid, so that overall safety and efficiency of the traffic system can be improved. The potential outcomes of the research can add to the collective understanding of more general systems with hierarchical structures; help create designs with minimal computation and communication delay; and provide mathematical proofs for safety and reliability of a class of systems that combine physical, mechanical, and biological components with purely computational ones. Researchers at the Control and Intelligent Transportation Research (CITR) Laboratory at The Ohio State University and Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory (CPSLab) at Arizona State University are collaborating to address a series of vehicular-CPS problems, with applications in the entire range of Cyber-Physical Systems.
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- Automotive
- CPS Domains
- Transportation Systems Sector
- Critical Infrastructure
- Transportation
- Arizona State University
- automated vehicles
- connected vehicles
- secure data transfer
- The Ohio State University
- vehicle collaboration
- vehicular networks
- 2015 CPS PI MTG Videos, Posters, and Abstracts
- National CPS PI Meeting 2015
- 2015
- Academia
- Abstract
- Poster