Visible to the public Cyber Infrastructure for Bridge Lifecycle Monitoring


The goal of this research project is to create a scalable and robust cyber-physical system (CPS) framework for the observation and control of the functional interdependencies between bridge structures (stationary physical systems) and trucks, vehicles and human inspectors (mobile physical agents). Figure 1 shows the SHM-based CPS framework that is built around demonstration highway bridges with permanent wireless bridge monitoring system installed.

As part of the research effort, a cyberinfrastructure framework is created to efficiently support client-server interactions, to enable automated connection between computational clients and data collected, and to facilitate bridge monitoring and management. While most structural health monitoring research studies focus on new sensing and monitoring technologies, little efforts have been spent on the fundamental data issues. The data issues need to be dealt with before sensing technologies can truly find useful for bridge lifecycle assessment and management. Our initial task is to establish a cyber infrastructure for bridge monitoring system to support integrated data management, to enable diagnosis of potential structural problems, and to facilitate prognosis for the need of structural strengthening and repairs. NoSQL database systems are employed for scalability and schema flexibility. Data schemas for sensor data and bridge information model are defined and interfaces are being developed to connect the database systems with data analyses. In addition, sensor data and bridge information are linked together so that measured responses can be easily compared with the analytical results. The validation and implementation are conducted using the data collected from the Yeongjong Bridge located in Incheon, Korea and Telegraph Road Bridge located in Monroe, Michigan. The implementation result shows that the proposed system can facilitate easy access to the bridge monitoring information and retrieve useful information for structural monitoring.

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Cyber Infrastructure for Bridge Lifecycle Monitoring
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