Event-triggered Control for Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Input Delay poster.pdf
The overarching project goal is to advance the design of opportunistic state-triggered aperiodic controllers for networked cyber-physical systems. This poster considers the problem of event-triggered control design for cyberphysical systems with nonlinear dynamics under time-varying input delays. Such problems are challenging due to the opportunistic nature of event-triggering: the controller "waits" until the system tends to become unstable and then updates the control accordingly, but if the control takes some time to reach the system, it may no longer be able to prevent the system from instability Our methodology is based on the concept of predictor feedback and is capable of compensating arbitrarily large known time delays. Under mild conditions, we show that as long as the delay-free system is globally input-to-state stabilizable, it can also be globally asymptotically stabilized via piecewise-constant event-triggered control and that the proposed event-triggering design does not suffer from Zeno behavior.
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