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Title"Auditing Protocols for Cloud Storage: A Survey"
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsJ. Shen, S. Ji, J. Shen, Z. Fu, J. Wang
Conference Name2015 First International Conference on Computational Intelligence Theory, Systems and Applications (CCITSA)
Date PublishedDec. 2015
ISBN Number978-1-4673-8600-5
Accession Number16022351
Keywordsauditing protocol, cloud computing, cloud storage, Computational modeling, Data models, data privacy, information science, integrity, outsourcing, protocol auditing, Protocols, pubcrawl170105, Scalability, secure, security

So far, cloud storage has been accepted by an increasing number of people, which is not a fresh notion any more. It brings cloud users a lot of conveniences, such as the relief of local storage and location independent access. Nevertheless, the correctness and completeness as well as the privacy of outsourced data are what worry could users. As a result, most people are unwilling to store data in the cloud, in case that the sensitive information concerning something important is disclosed. Only when people feel worry-free, can they accept cloud storage more easily. Certainly, many experts have taken this problem into consideration, and tried to solve it. In this paper, we survey the solutions to the problems concerning auditing in cloud computing and give a comparison of them. The methods and performances as well as the pros and cons are discussed for the state-of-the-art auditing protocols.

Citation Key7473121