Visible to the public The achieve of power manager application honey-pot based on sandbox

TitleThe achieve of power manager application honey-pot based on sandbox
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsGuo, Q., Fan, J., Li, N.
Conference Name2015 5th International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT)
ISBN Number978-1-4673-7106-3
Keywordsapplication layer simulation, attack capture method, cyber-attack reduction, Decision support systems, honeypot, implementation, Packaging, Power industry, power manager application, power manager application honey-pot, power system, power system management, power system security, power system simulation, Power systems, pubcrawl170114, sandbox, Sandboxing technology

Honeypot is a common method of attack capture, can maximize the reduction of cyber-attacks. However, its limited application layer simulation makes it impossible to use effectively in power system. Through research on sandboxing technology, this article implements the simulated power manager applications by packaging real power manager applications, in order to expand the honeypot applied range.

Citation Keyguo_achieve_2015