Visible to the public Towards Safe and Secure Autonomous and Cooperative Vehicle Ecosystems

TitleTowards Safe and Secure Autonomous and Cooperative Vehicle Ecosystems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsLima, Antonio, Rocha, Francisco, Völp, Marcus, Esteves-Verissimo, Paulo
Conference NameProceedings of the 2Nd ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Privacy
Date PublishedOctober 2016
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4568-2
KeywordsAutonomous vehicles, connected vehicles, Cyber-physical systems security, Human Behavior, manet privacy, Metrics, pubcrawl, threat vectors, vehicle ecosystems, vehicle security, vehicle threat vectors

Semi-autonomous driver assists are already widely deployed and fully autonomous cars are progressively leaving the realm of laboratories. This evolution coexists with a progressive connectivity and cooperation, creating important safety and security challenges, the latter ranging from casual hackers to highly-skilled attackers, requiring a holistic analysis, under the perspective of fully-fledged ecosystems of autonomous and cooperative vehicles. This position paper attempts at contributing to a better understanding of the global threat plane and the specific threat vectors designers should be attentive to. We survey paradigms and mechanisms that may be used to overcome or at least mitigate the potential risks that may arise through the several threat vectors analyzed.

Citation Keylima_towards_2016