Visible to the public Software Security Education at ScaleConflict Detection Enabled

TitleSoftware Security Education at Scale
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsC. Theisen, L. Williams, K. Oliver, E. Murphy-Hill
Conference Name2016 IEEE/ACM 38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-C)
Date PublishedMay
Keywordsclassroom courses, computer aided instruction, computer science education, demographic information, Digital audio broadcasting, Education, educational courses, human factors, massively open online courses, MOOC format, MOOCs, on-campus course, on-campus software security course, online learning, quiz scores, risk management, security, security of data, Software, software engineering, software security coursework, software security material, student motivations, teaching, Testing

Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) provide a unique opportunity to reach out to students who would not normally be reached by alleviating the need to be physically present in the classroom. However, teaching software security coursework outside of a classroom setting can be challenging. What are the challenges when converting security material from an on-campus course to the MOOC format? The goal of this research is to assist educators in constructing software security coursework by providing a comparison of classroom courses and MOOCs. In this work, we compare demographic information, student motivations, and student results from an on-campus software security course and a MOOC version of the same course. We found that the two populations of students differed, with the MOOC reaching a more diverse set of students than the on-campus course. We found that students in the on-campus course had higher quiz scores, on average, than students in the MOOC. Finally, we document our experience running the courses and what we would do differently to assist future educators constructing similar MOOC's.

Citation Key7883319
Refereed DesignationRefereed

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