Visible to the public Software Certification Consortium Meeting #9

Software Certification Consortium Meeting #9
Standards, Methods & Tools and Their Efficacy

May 6-7, 2012 | Annapolis, Maryland

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SUNDAY, MAY 6, 2012
1130 - 1230 Lunch
1230 - 1300 Welcome and Introductions
1300 - 1330 Certification and Regulation of Software–Intesive Systems
Nancy Leveson (MIT)
1330 - 1400 A Standard for Standards?
John Knight (University of Virginia)
1400 - 1445 Discussion 1
1445 - 1500 Coffee
1500 - 1530 OMG Modeling "Standards" for Model–Based Engineering
Bran Selic (Malina Software)
1530 - 1600 Systems and Software Engineering Standards for the Automotive Domain
Joe D'Ambrosio (GM)
1600 - 1630 Specifying for Certification for Automotive Safety Systems
Edward Griffor (Chrysler)
1630 - 1800 Discussion
1800 - 1900 Social
2100 Adjourn for the day
MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012
0830 - 0900 Certifying Real-Time Software is Not Reasonable (Today)
Edward A. Lee (UC Berkeley)
0900 - 0930 Rational and Architecture Principles for Medical Application Platforms
John Hatcliff (Kansas State)
0930 - 1015 Discussion 3
1015 - 1030 Coffee
1030 - 1045 Safety Certification in Medical Device Systems
Brian Fitzgerald (FDA)
1100 - 1130 Systems and Software Engineering Standards for the Medical Domain
Vera Pantelic (McMaster)
1130 - 1215 Discussion 4
1215 - 1315 Lunch
1315 - 1345 Security as an Issue for Medical-Device Software
Rance Cleaveland (Maryland/Fraunhofer USA)
1345 - 1415 Gap Assessment of IEC and IEEE Standards for Safety Assurance of Digital Systems
Russell Sydnor (US NRC)
1415 - 1500 Discussion 5
1500 - 1615 Breakout - Opportunities & Needs for Improvements to Standards
1615 - 1645 Summary from Breakout
1645 - 1700 Wrap-up
1700 Meeting Adjourned