Visible to the public Securing Smart Cities Using Blockchain Technology

TitleSecuring Smart Cities Using Blockchain Technology
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsBiswas, K., Muthukkumarasamy, V.
Conference Name2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 14th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS)
Date Publisheddec
Keywordsblockchain, blockchain security, blockchain technology, business infrastructures, data privacy, Information security, information technology, physical infrastructures, privacy, pubcrawl, Resiliency, resources utilization, Scalability, secure communication, security, security framework, smart cities, smart city, Smart device, smart devices, social infrastructures

A smart city uses information technology to integrate and manage physical, social, and business infrastructures in order to provide better services to its dwellers while ensuring efficient and optimal utilization of available resources. With the proliferation of technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and interconnected networks, smart cities can deliver innovative solutions and more direct interaction and collaboration between citizens and the local government. Despite a number of potential benefits, digital disruption poses many challenges related to information security and privacy. This paper proposes a security framework that integrates the blockchain technology with smart devices to provide a secure communication platform in a smart city.

Citation Keybiswas_securing_2016