Visible to the public EDU: Flipping the Online Security Classroom - Improving Retention of Security Student Pipeline through Early InterventionConflict Detection Enabled

Project Details

Lead PI

Performance Period

Sep 15, 2013 - Aug 31, 2017


SUNY at Albany

Award Number

Outcomes Report URL

This project is applying the concept of a 'flipped classroom' to cyber security education using blended learning and online environments. Students participating in this program work on virtual laboratory exercises collaboratively under instructor supervision through various modalities, including individual video chats, group video chats (e.g. Google Hangout), and simulated virtual environments (e.g. Second Life). The project is also using cloud technology to create a remotely accessible cyber security and forensics laboratory environment that provides tools for students across multiple community colleges and the University at Albany, SUNY. The project is also employing a train-the-trainer program that allows instructors to share expertise and jointly develop laboratory exercises. These activities are amortizing curriculum development costs allowing multiple institutions to sustain and support a successful cyber security and digital forensics program. There is a shortage of talent to meet the economic and national security threats posed by cyber attacks, which is expected to worsen as potential students migrate away from information technology fields. This project is improving accessibility to state-of-the-art tools to institutions that would otherwise lack the resources to obtain them; at the same time, it is enriching cyber security and forensics education in community colleges while creating a better pipeline to four-year colleges. Successful development of cloud computing laboratories for this purpose is resulting in best practices and lessons learned for other disciplines and institutions.