Visible to the public CAREER: EASE: Enhancing the Security of Pervasive Wireless Networks by Exploiting LocationConflict Detection Enabled

Project Details

Lead PI

Performance Period

Mar 01, 2010 - Feb 29, 2016


Stevens Institute of Technology

Award Number

Outcomes Report URL

Wireless systems have become an inseparable part of our social fabric, which allow users to move around and access the services from different locations while on the move. However, wireless security is often cited as a major technical barrier that must be overcome before widespread adoption of mobile services can occur. Traditional approaches have focused on addressing security threats on a case-by-case basis in an ad-hoc manner as new and specialized threats are uncovered. Furthermore, as wireless networks become increasingly pervasive, the ubiquity of wireless is redefining security challenges (e.g., attacks can be conducted by new and rapidly evolving adversaries with little effort).

This project aims to build location-oriented information into any wireless network stack and serve as a promising new dimension across different layers to complement conventional security solutions and enhance wireless security. A suite of location-enabled techniques are integrated into wireless network stacks as a true partner to cope with attacks and collaboratively defend against adversaries. The solutions are developed generic enough to apply across heterogeneous mixes of wireless technologies through the interaction with industry collaborators.

Project results are expected to assist conventional security methods and advance our knowledge in exploring generic security approaches across a wide-range of wireless technologies, which will contribute significantly to the successful deployment and adoption of emerging wireless services. The project also strengthens the education and research of undergraduate and graduate students in related areas of wireless networks and security, and helps to prepare students to face the challenges of future information technology.