

Visible to the public SaTC: CORE: Medium: Securing the Voice Processing Pipeline Against Adversarial Audio

In a world in which many new computing devices have limited or no traditional user interface (e.g., smart thermostats, personal digital assistants including Amazon's Alexa, etc), voice interfaces are becoming a primary means of interaction. Such systems not only simplify interaction with conventional devices for traditional users, but also promote broader inclusion for both the elderly and those with disabilities.


Visible to the public SaTC: TTP: Medium: Collaborative: Exposing and Mitigating Security/Safety Concerns of CAVs: A Holistic and Realistic Security Testing Platform for Emerging CAVs

Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) technologies enable real-time information sharing and driving automation, with the potential of significantly improving safety and efficiency of the transportation system. However, cyber-security threats may compromise the efficiency of infrastructure operations and the safety of passengers, posing a significant challenge for CAV deployment. This collaborative project develops a novel CAV testing platform to address the critical needs for assessing the security and safety concerns of the CAV system in an effective and realistic manner.


Visible to the public SaTC: TTP: Medium: Collaborative: Exposing and Mitigating Security/Safety Concerns of CAVs: A Holistic and Realistic Security Testing Platform for Emerging CAVs

Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) technologies enable real-time information sharing and driving automation, with the potential of significantly improving safety and efficiency of the transportation system. However, cyber-security threats may compromise the efficiency of infrastructure operations and the safety of passengers, posing a significant challenge for CAV deployment. This collaborative project develops a novel CAV testing platform to address the critical needs for assessing the security and safety concerns of the CAV system in an effective and realistic manner.


Visible to the public SaTC: TTP: Medium: Collaborative: Deployment-quality and Accessible Solutions for Cryptography Code Development

Vulnerabilities in cryptographic implementations seriously reduce the security guarantees of algorithms in practice and lead to attacks. An effective fix to the vulnerable code problem is automatic code checking. However, existing code verification tools cannot adequately cover cryptographic properties due to deficiencies in both accuracy, in terms of missed detection and false alarms, and scalability, in terms of complexity and runtime. The technology in this transition-to-practice project is to help secure cryptographic implementations, which are the foundation of many advanced systems.


Visible to the public SaTC: TTP: Medium: Collaborative: Deployment-quality and Accessible Solutions for Cryptography Code Development

Vulnerabilities in cryptographic implementations seriously reduce the security guarantees of algorithms in practice and lead to attacks. An effective fix to the vulnerable code problem is automatic code checking. However, existing code verification tools cannot adequately cover cryptographic properties due to deficiencies in both accuracy, in terms of missed detection and false alarms, and scalability, in terms of complexity and runtime. The technology in this transition-to-practice project is to help secure cryptographic implementations, which are the foundation of many advanced systems.


Visible to the public SaTC: CORE: Medium: ADIDS: An Air-gapped Distributed Intrusion Detection System for the Power Grid

The power grid is a highly complex control system and one of the most impressive engineering feats of the modern era. Nearly every facet of modern society critically relies on the proper operation of the power grid such that long or even short interruptions can impose significant economic and social hardship on society. The current power grid is undergoing a transformation to a Smart Grid, that seeks to monitor and track diagnostic and operational information so as to enable a more efficient and resilient system.


Visible to the public SaTC: CORE: Medium: Collaborative Research: Understanding and Mitigating the Privacy and Societal Risks of Advanced Advertising Targeting and Tracking

Advertising now funds most of the popular web sites and internet services: companies often provide their services for free, in exchange for collecting data from their users as they interact with the service. In recent years, the scale and resolution of user data that platforms collect has led to a dramatic increase in the variety of targeting, reporting, measurement, and tracking mechanisms that platforms offer to advertisers.


Visible to the public SaTC: CORE: Medium: Collaborative Research: Understanding and Mitigating the Privacy and Societal Risks of Advanced Advertising Targeting and Tracking

Advertising now funds most of the popular web sites and internet services: companies often provide their services for free, in exchange for collecting data from their users as they interact with the service. In recent years, the scale and resolution of user data that platforms collect has led to a dramatic increase in the variety of targeting, reporting, measurement, and tracking mechanisms that platforms offer to advertisers.


Visible to the public TC: Medium: Collaborative Research: User-Controllable Policy Learning

This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

(Public Law 111-5).

As both corporate and consumer-oriented applications introduce new functionality and increased levels of customization and delegation, they inevitably give rise to more complex security and privacy policies. Yet, studies have repeatedly shown that both lay and expert users are not good at configuring policies, rendering the human element an important, yet often overlooked source of vulnerability.


Visible to the public TC:Medium:Collaborative Research: Technological Support for Improving Election Processes

This project is developing and evaluating the application of iterative process improvement technology to assure the privacy, security, reliability, and trustworthiness of elections, which are the very cornerstone of democracy. The focus of the project is to locate mismatches between existing voting systems and the processes that are currently using them in the conduct of elections. These mismatches can result in vulnerabilities or inaccuracy in elections. This project demonstrates how to remediate such vulnerabilities through the use of iterative process improvement.