Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: Similary-Based Program Analyses for Eliminating VulnerabilitiesConflict Detection Enabled

Project Details

Lead PI

Performance Period

Aug 01, 2013 - Jul 31, 2017


University of California-Davis

Award Number

Outcomes Report URL

The security of critical information infrastructures depends upon effective techniques to detect vulnerabilities commonly exploited by malicious attacks. Due to poor coding practices or human error, a known vulnerability discovered and patched in one code location may often exist in many other unpatched code locations, either in the same code base or other code bases. Furthermore, patches are often error-prone, resulting in new vulnerabilities. This project develops practical techniques for detecting code-level similarity to prevent such vulnerabilities. It has the potential to help build a more reliable and secure information system infrastructure, which will have tremendous economical impact on society because of our growing reliance on information technologies.

In particular, the project aims to develop practical techniques for similarity-based testing and analysis to detect unpatched vulnerable code and validate patches to the detected vulnerable code at both the source code and binary levels. To this end, it focuses on three main technical directions: (1) developing techniques for detecting source-level vulnerabilities by adapting and refining an industrial-strength tool, (2) developing capabilities of detecting binary-level vulnerabilities by extending preliminary work on detecting code clones in binaries, and (3) supporting patch validation and repair by developing methodologies and techniques to validate software patches and help produce correct, secure patches. This project helps discover new techniques for source- and binary-level vulnerability analysis and gain better understandings of the fundamental and practical challenges for building highly secure and reliable software.