
Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Seal: Secure Engine for AnaLytics - From Secure Similarity Search to Secure Data Analytics

Many organizations and individuals rely on the cloud to store their data and process their analytical queries. But such data may contain sensitive information. Not only do users want to conceal their data on a cloud, they may also want to hide analytical queries over their data, results of such queries, and data access patterns from a cloud service provider (that may be compromised either from within or by a third party).


Visible to the public SBE TWC: Small: Collaborative: Pocket Security - Smartphone Cybercrime in the Wild

Most of the world's internet access occurs through mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. While these devices are convenient, they also enable crimes that intersect the physical world and cyberspace. For example, a thief who steals a smartphone can gain access to a person?s sensitive email, or someone using a banking app on the train may reveal account numbers to someone looking over her shoulder. This research will study how, when, and where people use smartphones and the relationship between these usage patterns and the likelihood of being a victim of cybercrime.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: Towards Privacy Preserving Online Image Sharing

On-line sharing of images has become a key enabler of users' connectivity. Various types of images are shared through social media to represent users' interests and experiences. While extremely convenient and socially valuable, this level of pervasiveness introduces acute privacy concerns. First, once shared images may go anywhere, as copying / resharing images is straightforward. Second, the information disclosed through an image reveals aspects of users' private lives, affecting both the owner and other subjects in the image.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Efficient Repair of Learning Systems via Machine Unlearning

Today individuals and organizations leverage machine learning systems to adjust room temperature, provide recommendations, detect malware, predict earthquakes, forecast weather, maneuver vehicles, and turn Big Data into insights. Unfortunately, these systems are prone to a variety of malicious attacks with potentially disastrous consequences. For example, an attacker might trick an Intrusion Detection System into ignoring the warning signs of a future attack by injecting carefully crafted samples into the training set for the machine learning model (i.e., "polluting" the model).


Visible to the public EAGER: TWC: Collaborative: iPrivacy: Automatic Recommendation of Personalized Privacy Settings for Image Sharing

The objective of this project is to investigate a comprehensive image privacy recommendation system, called iPrivacy (image Privacy), which can efficiently and automatically generate proper privacy settings for newly shared photos that also considers consensus of multiple parties appearing in the same photo. Photo sharing has become very popular with the growing ubiquity of smartphones and other mobile devices.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Medium: Collaborative: Brain Hacking: Assessing Psychological and Computational Vulnerabilities in Brain-based Biometrics

In September of 2015, it was reported that hackers had stolen the fingerprint records of 5.6 million U.S. federal employees from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). This was a severe security breach, and it is an even bigger problem because those fingerprints are now permanently compromised and the users cannot generate new fingerprints. This breach demonstrates two challenging facts about the current cybersecurity landscape. First, biometric credentials are vulnerable to compromise. And, second, biometrics that cannot be replaced if stolen are even more vulnerable to theft.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Systems, Tools, and Techniques for Executing, Managing, and Securing SGX Programs

The Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) is a new technology introduced to make secure and trustworthy computing in a hostile environment practical. However, SGX is merely just a set of instructions. Its software support that includes the OS support, toolchain and libraries, is currently developed in a closed manner, limiting its impact only within the boundary of big companies such as Intel and Microsoft. Meanwhile, SGX does not automatically secure everything and it still faces various attacks such as controlled-side channel and enclave memory corruption.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: User Behavior Modeling and Prediction in Anonymous Social Networks

Human beings are diverse, and their online behavior is often unpredictable. In today's data-driven world, providers of online services are collecting detailed and comprehensive server-side traces of user activity. These records or logs include detailed, timestamped logs of actions taken by users, often called clickstreams. Given their scale and level of detail, clickstreams present an enormous opportunity for research into user behavioral analysis and modeling.


Visible to the public RUI: SBE TWC: Small: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Cyberaggression and Self-Disclosure among Diverse Youths

Youths of the digital age live parallel lives online and in the real world, frequently disclosing personal information to cyberfriends and strangers, regardless of race, class or gender. Race and gender do make a difference, however, when these online disclosures lead to acts of cyberaggression. The PIs' previous work revealed that some youths are resistant to cyberaggression and that there are differences in perceptions of cyberbullying among youths from different cultural and racial backgrounds.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: STRUCT: Enabling Secure and Trustworthy Compartments in Mobile Applications

Society's dependence on mobile technologies rapidly increases as we entrust mobile applications with more and more private information and capabilities. Existing security research follows a common threat model that treats apps as monolithic entities and only captures attack surface between apps. However, recent research reveals that app internal attacks are emerging quickly as complex entities with conflicting interests are commonly included inside a single app to allow for rich features and fast development.