Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: A Unifying Framework For Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Secure Communication ProtocolsConflict Detection Enabled

Project Details

Performance Period

Oct 01, 2015 - Jul 31, 2017


Northeastern University

Award Number

Outcomes Report URL

Many networking protocols have been designed without security in mind, and many cryptographic schemes have been designed without practical deployments in mind. Moreover, most of security-enhanced communication protocols still lack the provable-security treatment and hence the security guarantees. This project aims at bridging the gap between protocol design, implementation, deployment, and security guarantees by developing a novel general security framework that facilitates the provable-security analyses of practical networking protocols. The project has an interdisciplinary approach as it combines concepts from applied cryptography and algorithms with implementation and empirical analyses to provide a unifying framework for studying and developing secure communication protocols. This joint design effort yields both new cryptographic foundations and fundamentally secure networking protocols.