Visible to the public Security Issues with Certificate Authorities

TitleSecurity Issues with Certificate Authorities
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsBerkowsky, J. A., Hayajneh, T.
Conference Name2017 IEEE 8th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON)
Date Publishedoct
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1104-3
KeywordsBrowsers, Browsers Security, digital signatures, Google, Human Behavior, human factors, Information security, Metrics, pubcrawl, Public key, Resiliency, Scalability, Servers, Standards organizations, Ubiquitous Computing Security, World Wide Web

The current state of the internet relies heavily on SSL/TLS and the certificate authority model. This model has systematic problems, both in its design as well as its implementation. There are problems with certificate revocation, certificate authority governance, breaches, poor security practices, single points of failure and with root stores. This paper begins with a general introduction to SSL/TLS and a description of the role of certificates, certificate authorities and root stores in the current model. This paper will then explore problems with the current model and describe work being done to help mitigate these problems.

Citation Keyberkowsky_security_2017