Visible to the public Chaotic Searchable Encryption for Mobile Cloud Storage

TitleChaotic Searchable Encryption for Mobile Cloud Storage
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAwad, A., Matthews, A., Qiao, Y., Lee, B.
JournalIEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
Keywordschaos, cloud, cloud computing, composability, Encryption, Keyword search, locality sensitive hashing, Mobile communication, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Searchable encryption, security

This paper considers the security problem of outsourcing storage from user devices to the cloud. A secure searchable encryption scheme is presented to enable searching of encrypted user data in the cloud. The scheme simultaneously supports fuzzy keyword searching and matched results ranking, which are two important factors in facilitating practical searchable encryption. A chaotic fuzzy transformation method is proposed to support secure fuzzy keyword indexing, storage and query. A secure posting list is also created to rank the matched results while maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the user data, and saving the resources of the user mobile devices. Comprehensive tests have been performed and the experimental results show that the proposed scheme is efficient and suitable for a secure searchable cloud storage system.

Citation Keyawad_chaotic_2017