Visible to the public Security in a Distributed Key Management Approach

TitleSecurity in a Distributed Key Management Approach
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSchiefer, G., Gabel, M., Mechler, J., Schoknecht, A., Citak, M.
Conference Name2017 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1710-6
Keywordsapplication providers, classified records, cloud computing, cloud provider, Cloud Security, cryptography, data owners, data privacy, Databases, distributed key management approach, Encryption, Human Behavior, Key Distribution, Key Management, Metrics, outsourcing, privacy breach data, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Runtime, Scalability, sensitive data, Servers, single-tenant scenario, user-specific keys

Cloud computing offers many advantages as flexibility or resource efficiency and can significantly reduce costs. However, when sensitive data is outsourced to a cloud provider, classified records can leak. To protect data owners and application providers from a privacy breach data must be encrypted before it is uploaded. In this work, we present a distributed key management scheme that handles user-specific keys in a single-tenant scenario. The underlying database is encrypted and the secret key is split into parts and only reconstructed temporarily in memory. Our scheme distributes shares of the key to the different entities. We address bootstrapping, key recovery, the adversary model and the resulting security guarantees.

Citation Keyschiefer_security_2017