Visible to the public Evaluation of a Formalized Encryption Library for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems

TitleEvaluation of a Formalized Encryption Library for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSchulz, T., Golatowski, F., Timmermann, D.
Conference Name2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT)
Date PublishedMarch 2017
ISBN Number978-1-5090-5320-9
KeywordsAir gaps, authentication, complex safety-critical devices, composability, confidentiality, cryptographic protocols, cryptography implementations, data integrity, demilitarized zones, dependable communication, diverse integration patterns, Embedded systems, encrypting gateways, Encryption, formalized encryption library evaluation, Human Behavior, human factors, infamous air gap, integrity, Libraries, Metrics, model based language, optimisation, Optimization, programming languages, pubcrawl, public key cryptography, public-key based encryption, resilience, Resiliency, resource restricted embedded safety devices, Safety, safety leveraged implementation of data encryptio, safety leveraged implementation of data encryption, safety-critical embedded systems, safety-critical infrastructure, safety-critical software, Scade, security architecture multiple independent levels, SLIDE library, Software, synchronous dataflow language optimization, train control safety application

Complex safety-critical devices require dependable communication. Dependability includes confidentiality and integrity as much as safety. Encrypting gateways with demilitarized zones, Multiple Independent Levels of Security architectures and the infamous Air Gap are diverse integration patterns for safety-critical infrastructure. Though resource restricted embedded safety devices still lack simple, certifiable, and efficient cryptography implementations. Following the recommended formal methods approach for safety-critical devices, we have implemented proven cryptography algorithms in the qualified model based language Scade as the Safety Leveraged Implementation of Data Encryption (SLIDE) library. Optimization for the synchronous dataflow language is discussed in the paper. The implementation for public-key based encryption and authentication is evaluated for real-world performance. The feasibility is shown by execution time benchmarks on an industrial safety microcontroller platform running a train control safety application.

Citation Keyschulz_evaluation_2017