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Malware analysis and multi-label category detection issues: Ensemble-based approaches. 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Data Science Technologies and Applications (IDSTA). :164—169.
2022. Detection of malware and security attacks is a complex process that can vary in its details and analysis activities. As part of the detection process, malware scanners try to categorize a malware once it is detected under one of the known malware categories (e.g. worms, spywares, viruses, etc.). However, many studies and researches indicate problems with scanners categorizing or identifying a particular malware under more than one malware category. This paper, and several others, show that machine learning can be used for malware detection especially with ensemble base prediction methods. In this paper, we evaluated several custom-built ensemble models. We focused on multi-label malware classification as individual or classical classifiers showed low accuracy in such territory.This paper showed that recent machine models such as ensemble and deep learning can be used for malware detection with better performance in comparison with classical models. This is very critical in such a dynamic and yet important detection systems where challenges such as the detection of unknown or zero-day malware will continue to exist and evolve.
Disparity Analysis Between the Assembly and Byte Malware Samples with Deep Autoencoders. 2022 19th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP). :1—4.
2022. Malware attacks in the cyber world continue to increase despite the efforts of Malware analysts to combat this problem. Recently, Malware samples have been presented as binary sequences and assembly codes. However, most researchers focus only on the raw Malware sequence in their proposed solutions, ignoring that the assembly codes may contain important details that enable rapid Malware detection. In this work, we leveraged the capabilities of deep autoencoders to investigate the presence of feature disparities in the assembly and raw binary Malware samples. First, we treated the task as outliers to investigate whether the autoencoder would identify and justify features as samples from the same family. Second, we added noise to all samples and used Deep Autoencoder to reconstruct the original samples by denoising. Experiments with the Microsoft Malware dataset showed that the byte samples' features differed from the assembly code samples.
Effective of Obfuscated Android Malware Detection using Static Analysis. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design (ICCED). :1—5.
2022. The effective security system improvement from malware attacks on the Android operating system should be updated and improved. Effective malware detection increases the level of data security and high protection for the users. Malicious software or malware typically finds a means to circumvent the security procedure, even when the user is unaware whether the application can act as malware. The effectiveness of obfuscated android malware detection is evaluated by collecting static analysis data from a data set. The experiment assesses the risk level of which malware dataset using the hash value of the malware and records malware behavior. A set of hash SHA256 malware samples has been obtained from an internet dataset and will be analyzed using static analysis to record malware behavior and evaluate which risk level of the malware. According to the results, most of the algorithms provide the same total score because of the multiple crime inside the malware application.
A Comparative Analysis of Open Source Automated Malware Tools. 2022 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :226—230.
2022. Malwares are designed to cause harm to the machine without the user's knowledge. Malwares belonging to different families infect the system in its own unique way causing damage which could be irreversible and hence there is a need to detect and analyse the malwares. Manual analysis of all types of malwares is not a practical approach due to the huge effort involved and hence Automated Malware Analysis is resorted to so that the burden on humans can be decreased and the process is made robust. A lot of Automated Malware Analysis tools are present right now both offline and online but the problem arises as to which tool to select while analysing a suspicious binary. A comparative analysis of three most widely used automated tools has been done with different malware class samples. These tools are Cuckoo Sandbox, Any. Run and Intezer Analyze. In order to check the efficacy of the tool in both online and offline analysis, Cuckoo Sandbox was configured for offline use, and Any. Run and Intezer Analyze were configured for online analysis. Individual tools analyse each malware sample and after analysis is completed, a comparative chart is prepared to determine which tool is good at finding registry changes, processes created, files created, network connections, etc by the malicious binary. The findings conclude that Intezer Analyze tool recognizes file changes better than others but otherwise Cuckoo Sandbox and Any. Run tools are better in determining other functionalities.
PDF Malware Analysis. 2022 7th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS). :1—4.
2022. This document addresses the issue of the actual security level of PDF documents. Two types of detection approaches are utilized to detect dangerous elements within malware: static analysis and dynamic analysis. Analyzing malware binaries to identify dangerous strings, as well as reverse-engineering is included in static analysis for t1he malware to disassemble it. On the other hand, dynamic analysis monitors malware activities by running them in a safe environment, such as a virtual machine. Each method has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and it is usually best to employ both methods while analyzing malware. Malware detection could be simplified without sacrificing accuracy by reducing the number of malicious traits. This may allow the researcher to devote more time to analysis. Our worry is that there is no obvious need to identify malware with numerous functionalities when it isn't necessary. We will solve this problem by developing a system that will identify if the given file is infected with malware or not.
Malware Detection Approach Based on the Swarm-Based Behavioural Analysis over API Calling Sequence. 2022 2nd International Mobile, Intelligent, and Ubiquitous Computing Conference (MIUCC). :27—32.
2022. The rapidly increasing malware threats must be coped with new effective malware detection methodologies. Current malware threats are not limited to daily personal transactions but dowelled deeply within large enterprises and organizations. This paper introduces a new methodology for detecting and discriminating malicious versus normal applications. In this paper, we employed Ant-colony optimization to generate two behavioural graphs that characterize the difference in the execution behavior between malware and normal applications. Our proposed approach relied on the API call sequence generated when an application is executed. We used the API calls as one of the most widely used malware dynamic analysis features. Our proposed method showed distinctive behavioral differences between malicious and non-malicious applications. Our experimental results showed a comparative performance compared to other machine learning methods. Therefore, we can employ our method as an efficient technique in capturing malicious applications.
Rotten Apples Spoil the Bunch: An Anatomy of Google Play Malware. 2022 IEEE/ACM 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :1919—1931.
2022. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of Android malware that bypassed the strictest defenses of the Google Play application store and penetrated the official Android market between January 2016 and July 2021. We systematically identified 1,238 such malicious applications, grouped them into 134 families, and manually analyzed one application from 105 distinct families. During our manual analysis, we identified malicious payloads the applications execute, conditions guarding execution of the payloads, hiding techniques applications employ to evade detection by the user, and other implementation-level properties relevant for automated malware detection. As most applications in our dataset contain multiple payloads, each triggered via its own complex activation logic, we also contribute a graph-based representation showing activation paths for all application payloads in form of a control- and data-flow graph. Furthermore, we discuss the capabilities of existing malware detection tools, put them in context of the properties observed in the analyzed malware, and identify gaps and future research directions. We believe that our detailed analysis of the recent, evasive malware will be of interest to researchers and practitioners and will help further improve malware detection tools.
Power System Monitoring, Control and protection using IoT and cyber security. 2022 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES). :1–5.
2022. The analysis shows how important Power Network Measuring and Characterization (PSMC) is to the plan. Networks planning and oversight for the transmission of electrical energy is becoming increasingly frequent. In reaction to the current contest of assimilating trying to cut charging in the crate, estimation, information sharing, but rather govern into PSMC reasonable quantities, Electrical Transmit Monitoring and Management provides a thorough outline of founding principles together with smart sensors for domestic spying, security precautions, and control of developed broadening power systems.Electricity supply control must depend increasingly heavily on telecommunications infrastructure to manage and run their processes because of the fluctuation in transmission and distribution of electricity. A wider attack surface will also be available to threat hackers as a result of the more communications. Large-scale blackout have occurred in the past as a consequence of cyberattacks on electrical networks. In order to pinpoint the key issues influencing power grid computer networks, we looked at the network infrastructure supporting electricity grids in this research.
An intelligent traffic monitoring approach based on Hadoop ecosystem. 2022 5th International Conference on Networking, Information Systems and Security: Envisage Intelligent Systems in 5g//6G-based Interconnected Digital Worlds (NISS). :1–6.
2022. Nowadays, smart cities (SCs) use technologies and different types of data collected to improve the lifestyles of their citizens. Indeed, connected smart vehicles are technologies used for an SC’s intelligent traffic monitoring systems (ITMSs). However, most proposed monitoring approaches do not consider realtime monitoring. This paper presents real-time data processing for an intelligent traffic monitoring dashboard using the Hadoop ecosystem dashboard components. Many data are available due to our proposed monitoring approach, such as the total number of vehicles on different routes and data on trucks within a radius (10KM) of a specific point given. Based on our generated data, we can make real-time decisions to improve circulation and optimize traffic flow.
Current Trends in Internet of Things Forensics. 2022 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT). :1—5.
2022. Digital forensics is essential when performing in-depth crime investigations and evidence extraction, especially in the field of the Internet of Things, where there is a ton of information every second boosted with latest and smartest technological devices. However, the enormous growth of data and the nature of its complexity could constrain the data examination process since traditional data acquisition techniques are not applicable nowadays. Therefore, if the knowledge gap between digital forensics and the Internet of Things is not bridged, investigators will jeopardize the loss of a possible rich source of evidence that otherwise could act as a lead in solving open cases. The work aims to introduce examples of employing the latest Internet of Things forensics approaches as a panacea in this regard. The paper covers a variety of articles presenting the new Blockchain, fog, and video-based applications that can aid in easing the process of digital forensics investigation with a focus on the Internet of Things. The results of the review indicated that the above current trends are very promising procedures in the field of Internet of Things digital forensics and need to be explored and applied more actively.
Existing Vulnerability Information in Security Requirements Elicitation. 2022 IEEE 30th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW). :220—225.
2022. In software engineering, the aspect of addressing security requirements is considered to be of paramount importance. In most cases, however, security requirements for a system are considered as non-functional requirements (NFRs) and are addressed at the very end of the software development life cycle. The increasing number of security incidents in software systems around the world has made researchers and developers rethink and consider this issue at an earlier stage. An important and essential step towards this process is the elicitation of relevant security requirements. In a recent work, Imtiaz et al. proposed a framework for creating a mapping between existing requirements and the vulnerabilities associated with them. The idea is that, this mapping can be used by developers to predict potential vulnerabilities associated with new functional requirements and capture security requirements to avoid these vulnerabilities. However, to what extent, such existing vulnerability information can be useful in security requirements elicitation is still an open question. In this paper, we design a human subject study to answer this question. We also present the results of a pilot study and discuss their implications. Preliminary results show that existing vulnerability information can be a useful resource in eliciting security requirements and lays ground work for a full scale study.
On the Security Properties of Combinatorial All-or-nothing Transforms. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :1447—1452.
2022. All-or-nothing transforms (AONT) were proposed by Rivest as a message preprocessing technique for encrypting data to protect against brute-force attacks, and have many applications in cryptography and information security. Later the unconditionally secure AONT and their combinatorial characterization were introduced by Stinson. Informally, a combinatorial AONT is an array with the unbiased requirements and its security properties in general depend on the prior probability distribution on the inputs s-tuples. Recently, it was shown by Esfahani and Stinson that a combinatorial AONT has perfect security provided that all the inputs s-tuples are equiprobable, and has weak security provided that all the inputs s-tuples are with non-zero probability. This paper aims to explore on the gap between perfect security and weak security for combinatorial (t, s, v)-AONTs. Concretely, we consider the typical scenario that all the s inputs take values independently (but not necessarily identically) and quantify the amount of information H(\textbackslashmathcalX\textbackslashmid \textbackslashmathcalY) about any t inputs \textbackslashmathcalX that is not revealed by any s−t outputs \textbackslashmathcalY. In particular, we establish the general lower and upper bounds on H(\textbackslashmathcalX\textbackslashmid \textbackslashmathcalY) for combinatorial AONTs using information-theoretic techniques, and also show that the derived bounds can be attained in certain cases.
Development of a Model for Managing the Openness of an Information System in the Context of Information Security Risks of Critical Information Infrastructure Object. 2022 Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). :431—435.
2022. The problem of information security of critical information infrastructure objects in the conditions of openness is formulated. The concept of information infrastructure openness is analyzed. An approach to assessing the openness of an information system is presented. A set-theoretic model of information resources openness was developed. The formulation of the control problem over the degree of openness with restrictions on risk was carried out. An example of solving the problem of finding the coefficient of openness is presented.
Insider Attack Detection and Prevention using Server Authentication using Elgamal Encryption. 2022 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT). :967—972.
2022. Web services are growing demand with fundamental advancements and have given more space to researchers for improving security of all real world applications. Accessing and get authenticated in many applications on web services, user discloses their password and other privacy data to the server for authentication purposes. These shared information should be maintained by the server with high security, otherwise it can be used for illegal purposes for any authentication breach. Protecting the applications from various attacks is more important. Comparing the security threats, insider attacks are most challenging to identify due to the fact that they use the authentication of legitimate users and their privileges to access the application and may cause serious threat to the application. Insider attacks has been studied in previous researchers with different security measures, however there is no much strong work proposed. Various security protocols were proposed for defending insider attackers. The proposed work focused on insider attack protection through Elgamal cryptography technique. The proposed work is much effective on insider attacks and also defends against various attacks. The proposed protocol is better than existing works. The key computation cost and communication cost is relatively low in this proposed work. The proposed work authenticates the application by parallel process of two way authentication mechanism through Elgamal algorithm.
A Framework to Detect the Malicious Insider Threat in Cloud Environment using Supervised Learning Methods. 2022 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :354—358.
2022. A malicious insider threat is more vulnerable to an organization. It is necessary to detect the malicious insider because of its huge impact to an organization. The occurrence of a malicious insider threat is less but quite destructive. So, the major focus of this paper is to detect the malicious insider threat in an organization. The traditional insider threat detection algorithm is not suitable for real time insider threat detection. A supervised learning-based anomaly detection technique is used to classify, predict and detect the malicious and non-malicious activity based on highest level of anomaly score. In this paper, a framework is proposed to detect the malicious insider threat using supervised learning-based anomaly detection. It is used to detect the malicious insider threat activity using One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM). The experimental results shows that the proposed framework using OCSVM performs well and detects the malicious insider who obtain huge anomaly score than a normal user.
Robust Implementation of ICN-based Mobile IoT for Next-Generation Network. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design (ICCED). :1–5.
2022. This paper proposes a Mobile IoT optimization method for Next-Generation networks by evaluating a series of named-based techniques implemented in Information-Centric Networking (ICN). The idea is based on the possibility to have a more suitable naming and forwarding mechanism to be implemented in IoT. The main advantage of the method is in achieving a higher success packet rate and data rate by following the proposed technique even when the device is mobile / roaming around. The proposed technique is utilizing a root prefix naming which allows faster process and dynamic increase for content waiting time in Pending Interest Table (PIT). To test the idea, a simulation is carried out by mimicking how IoT can be implemented, especially in smart cities, where a user can also travel and not be static. Results show that the proposed technique can achieve up to a 13% interest success rate and an 18.7% data rate increase compared to the well-known implementation algorithms. The findings allow for possible further cooperation of data security factors and ensuring energy reduction through leveraging more processes at the edge node.
ISSN: 2767-7826
Overview Of Vanet Network Security. 2022 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). :1–6.
2022. This article provides an overview of the security of VANET, which is a vehicle network. When reviewing this topic, publications of various researchers were considered. The article provides information security requirements for VANET, an overview of security research, an overview of existing attacks, methods for detecting attacks and appropriate countermeasures against such threats.
Factors Affecting Information Assurance for Big Data. 2022 1st International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Technology (ICoSEIT). :1–5.
2022. Big Data is a concept used in various sectors today, including the government sector in the Smart Government initiative. With a large amount of structured and unstructured data being managed, information assurance becomes important in adopting Big Data. However, so far, no research has focused on information assurance for Big Data. This paper identified information assurance factors for Big Data. This research used the systematic snapshot mapping approach to examine factors relating to information assurance from the literature related to Big Data from 2011 through 2021. The data extraction process in gathering 15 relevant papers. The findings revealed ten factors influencing the information assurance implementation for Big Data, with the security factor becoming the most concentrated factor with 18 sub-factors. The findings are expected to serve as a foundation for adopting information assurance for Big Data to develop an information assurance framework for Smart Government.
Contribution of Blockchain in Development of Metaverse. 2022 7th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :845–850.
2022. Metaverse is becoming the new standard for social networks and 3D virtual worlds when Facebook officially rebranded to Metaverse in October 2021. Many relevant technologies are used in the metaverse to offer 3D immersive and customized experiences at the user’s fingertips. Despite the fact that the metaverse receives a lot of attention and advantages, one of the most pressing concerns for its users is the safety of their digital material and data. As a result of its decentralization, immutability, and transparency, blockchain is a possible alternative. Our goal is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of blockchain systems in the metaverse to properly appreciate its function in the metaverse. To begin with, the paper introduces blockchain and the metaverse and explains why it’s necessary for the metaverse to adopt blockchain technology. Aside from these technological considerations, this article focuses on how blockchain-based approaches for the metaverse may be used from a privacy and security standpoint. There are several technological challenegs that need to be addressed for making the metaverse a reality. The influence of blockchain on important key technologies with in metaverse, such as Artifical Intelligence, big data and the Internet-of-Things (IoT) is also examined. Several prominent initiatives are also shown to demonstrate the importance of blockchain technology in the development of metaverse apps and services. There are many possible possibilities for future development and research in the application of blockchain technology in the metaverse.
Data-Driven Digital Twins in Surgery utilizing Augmented Reality and Machine Learning. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). :580–585.
2022. On the one hand, laparoscopic surgery as medical state-of-the-art method is minimal invasive, and thus less stressful for patients. On the other hand, laparoscopy implies higher demands on physicians, such as mental load or preparation time, hence appropriate technical support is essential for quality and suc-cess. Medical Digital Twins provide an integrated and virtual representation of patients' and organs' data, and thus a generic concept to make complex information accessible by surgeons. In this way, minimal invasive surgery could be improved significantly, but requires also a much more complex software system to achieve the various resulting requirements. The biggest challenges for these systems are the safe and precise mapping of the digital twin to reality, i.e. dealing with deformations, movement and distortions, as well as balance out the competing requirement for intuitive and immersive user access and security. The case study ARAILIS is presented as a proof in concept for such a system and provides a starting point for further research. Based on the insights delivered by this prototype, a vision for future Medical Digital Twins in surgery is derived and discussed.
ISSN: 2694-2941
VR, Deepfakes and Epistemic Security. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR). :93–98.
2022. In recent years, technological advancements in the AI and VR fields have increasingly often been paired with considerations on ethics and safety aimed at mitigating unintentional design failures. However, cybersecurity-oriented AI and VR safety research has emphasized the need to additionally appraise instantiations of intentional malice exhibited by unethical actors at pre- and post-deployment stages. On top of that, in view of ongoing malicious deepfake developments that can represent a threat to the epistemic security of a society, security-aware AI and VR design strategies require an epistemically-sensitive stance. In this vein, this paper provides a theoretical basis for two novel AIVR safety research directions: 1) VR as immersive testbed for a VR-deepfake-aided epistemic security training and 2) AI as catalyst within a deepfake-aided so-called cyborgnetic creativity augmentation facilitating an epistemically-sensitive threat modelling. For illustration, we focus our use case on deepfake text – an underestimated deepfake modality. In the main, the two proposed transdisciplinary lines of research exemplify how AIVR safety to defend against unethical actors could naturally converge toward AIVR ethics whilst counteracting epistemic security threats.
ISSN: 2771-7453
Application of Biometric System to Enhance the Security in Virtual World. 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). :719–723.
2022. Virtual worlds was becoming increasingly popular in a variety of fields, including education, business, space exploration, and video games. Establishing the security of virtual worlds was becoming more critical as they become more widely used. Virtual users were identified using a behavioral biometric system. Improve the system's ability to identify objects by fusing scores from multiple sources. Identification was based on a review of user interactions in virtual environments and a comparison with previous recordings in the database. For behavioral biometric systems like the one described, it appears that score-level biometric fusion was a promising tool for improving system performance. As virtual worlds become more immersive, more people will want to participate in them, and more people will want to be able to interact with each other. Each region of the Meta-verse was given a glimpse of the current state of affairs and the trends to come. As hardware performance and institutional and public interest continue to improve, the Meta-verse's development is hampered by limitations like computational method limits and a lack of realized collaboration between virtual world stakeholders and developers alike. A major goal of the proposed research was to verify the accuracy of the biometric system to enhance the security in virtual world. In this study, the precision of the proposed work was compared to that of previous work.
Optimizing System-on-Chip Performance Using AI and SDN: Approaches and Challenges. 2022 Ninth International Conference on Software Defined Systems (SDS). :1—8.
2022. The advancement of modern multimedia and data-intensive classes of applications demands the development of hardware that delivers better performance. Due to the evolution of 5G, Edge-Computing, the Internet of Things, Software-Defined networks, etc., the data produced by the devices such as sensors are increasing. A software-Defined network is a powerful paradigm that is capable of automating networking and cloud computing. Software-Defined Network has controllers, devices, and applications which produce a huge amount of data. The processing of data inside the device as well as between the devices needs a better hardware architecture with more cores to ensure speedy performance. The System-on-Chip approach alone will not be capable to handle this dense core comprised of hardware. We have to blend Network-on-Chip along with System-on-Chip to increase the potential to include more cores capable to handle more threads. Artificial Intelligence, a key enabler in next-generation devices is capable of producing a better architecture design with optimized performance. In this paper, we are discussing and endeavouring how System-on-Chip, Network-on-Chip, Software-Defined Networks, and Artificial Intelligence can be physically, logically, and contextually incorporated to deliver improved computation and networking outcomes.
The Threat of Deep Fake Technology to Trusted Identity Management. 2022 International Conference on Cyber Resilience (ICCR). :1—5.
2022. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, deepfake technology based on deep learning is receiving more and more attention from society or the industry. While enriching people's cultural and entertainment life, in-depth fakes technology has also caused many social problems, especially potential risks to managing network credible identities. With the continuous advancement of deep fakes technology, the security threats and trust crisis caused by it will become more serious. It is urgent to take adequate measures to curb the abuse risk of deep fakes. The article first introduces the principles and characteristics of deep fakes technology and then deeply analyzes its severe challenges to network trusted identity management. Finally, it researches the supervision and technical level and puts forward targeted preventive countermeasures.
Identity of Things (IDoT): A Preliminary Report on Identity Management Solutions for IoT Devices. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Public Key Infrastructure and its Applications (PKIA). :1—9.
2022. The Internet of Things poses some of the biggest security challenges in the present day. Companies, users and infrastructures are constantly under attack by malicious actors. Increasingly, attacks are being launched by hacking into one vulnerable device and hence disabling entire networks resulting in great loss. A strong identity management framework can help better protect these devices by issuing a unique identity and managing the same through its lifecycle. Identity of Things (IDoT) is a term that has been used to describe the importance of device identities in IoT networks. Since the traditional identity and access management (IAM) solutions are inadequate in managing identities for IoT, the Identity of Things (IDoT) is emerging as the solution for issuance of Identities to every type of device within the IoT IAM infrastructure. This paper presents the survey of recent research works proposed in the area of device identities and various commercial solutions offered by organizations specializing in IoT device security.