Visible to the public Identity of Things (IDoT): A Preliminary Report on Identity Management Solutions for IoT Devices

TitleIdentity of Things (IDoT): A Preliminary Report on Identity Management Solutions for IoT Devices
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsMisbahuddin, Mohammed, Harish, Rashmi, Ananya, K
Conference Name2022 IEEE International Conference on Public Key Infrastructure and its Applications (PKIA)
Date Publishedsep
KeywordsBlock Chain, Companies, Computer crime, Device Certificates, device identity, digital certificates, edge computing, Fog Computing, Human Behavior, IAM, Identity management, Identity Management (IdM), Identity of Things (IDoT), Internet of Things, Internet of Things (IoT), IoT security, PKI, pubcrawl, Public key, resilience, Resiliency, Resource management, Scalability, security
AbstractThe Internet of Things poses some of the biggest security challenges in the present day. Companies, users and infrastructures are constantly under attack by malicious actors. Increasingly, attacks are being launched by hacking into one vulnerable device and hence disabling entire networks resulting in great loss. A strong identity management framework can help better protect these devices by issuing a unique identity and managing the same through its lifecycle. Identity of Things (IDoT) is a term that has been used to describe the importance of device identities in IoT networks. Since the traditional identity and access management (IAM) solutions are inadequate in managing identities for IoT, the Identity of Things (IDoT) is emerging as the solution for issuance of Identities to every type of device within the IoT IAM infrastructure. This paper presents the survey of recent research works proposed in the area of device identities and various commercial solutions offered by organizations specializing in IoT device security.
Citation Keymisbahuddin_identity_2022