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Howser, G., McMillin, B..  2014.  A Modal Model of Stuxnet Attacks on Cyber-physical Systems: A Matter of Trust. Software Security and Reliability (SERE), 2014 Eighth International Conference on. :225-234.

Multiple Security Domains Nondeducibility, MSDND, yields results even when the attack hides important information from electronic monitors and human operators. Because MSDND is based upon modal frames, it is able to analyze the event system as it progresses rather than relying on traces of the system. Not only does it provide results as the system evolves, MSDND can point out attacks designed to be missed in other security models. This work examines information flow disruption attacks such as Stuxnet and formally explains the role that implicit trust in the cyber security of a cyber physical system (CPS) plays in the success of the attack. The fact that the attack hides behind MSDND can be used to help secure the system by modifications to break MSDND and leave the attack nowhere to hide. Modal operators are defined to allow the manipulation of belief and trust states within the model. We show how the attack hides and uses the operator's trust to remain undetected. In fact, trust in the CPS is key to the success of the attack.

Hammi, B., Khatoun, R., Doyen, G..  2014.  A Factorial Space for a System-Based Detection of Botcloud Activity. New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2014 6th International Conference on. :1-5.

Today, beyond a legitimate usage, the numerous advantages of cloud computing are exploited by attackers, and Botnets supporting DDoS attacks are among the greatest beneficiaries of this malicious use. Such a phenomena is a major issue since it strongly increases the power of distributed massive attacks while involving the responsibility of cloud service providers that do not own appropriate solutions. In this paper, we present an original approach that enables a source-based de- tection of UDP-flood DDoS attacks based on a distributed system behavior analysis. Based on a principal component analysis, our contribution consists in: (1) defining the involvement of system metrics in a botcoud's behavior, (2) showing the invariability of the factorial space that defines a botcloud activity and (3) among several legitimate activities, using this factorial space to enable a botcloud detection.

Geva, M., Herzberg, A., Gev, Y..  2014.  Bandwidth Distributed Denial of Service: Attacks and Defenses. Security Privacy, IEEE. 12:54-61.

The Internet is vulnerable to bandwidth distributed denial-of-service (BW-DDoS) attacks, wherein many hosts send a huge number of packets to cause congestion and disrupt legitimate traffic. So far, BW-DDoS attacks have employed relatively crude, inefficient, brute force mechanisms; future attacks might be significantly more effective and harmful. To meet the increasing threats, we must deploy more advanced defenses.

Okada, Kazuya, Hazeyama, Hiroaki, Kadobayashi, Youki.  2014.  Oblivious DDoS Mitigation with Locator/ID Separation Protocol. Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Future Internet Technologies. :8:1–8:6.

The need to keep an attacker oblivious of an attack mitigation effort is a very important component of a defense against denial of services (DoS) and distributed denial of services (DDoS) attacks because it helps to dissuade attackers from changing their attack patterns. Conceptually, DDoS mitigation can be achieved by two components. The first is a decoy server that provides a service function or receives attack traffic as a substitute for a legitimate server. The second is a decoy network that restricts attack traffic to the peripheries of a network, or which reroutes attack traffic to decoy servers. In this paper, we propose the use of a two-stage map table extension Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) to realize a decoy network. We also describe and demonstrate how LISP can be used to implement an oblivious DDoS mitigation mechanism by adding a simple extension on the LISP MapServer. Together with decoy servers, this method can terminate DDoS traffic on the ingress end of an LISP-enabled network. We verified the effectiveness of our proposed mechanism through simulated DDoS attacks on a simple network topology. Our evaluation results indicate that the mechanism could be activated within a few seconds, and that the attack traffic can be terminated without incurring overhead on the MapServer.

Hao Wang, Haibin Ouyang, Liqun Gao, Wei Qin.  2014.  Opposition-based learning harmony search algorithm with mutation for solving global optimization problems. Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC), The 26th Chinese. :1090-1094.

This paper develops an opposition-based learning harmony search algorithm with mutation (OLHS-M) for solving global continuous optimization problems. The proposed method is different from the original harmony search (HS) in three aspects. Firstly, opposition-based learning technique is incorporated to the process of improvisation to enlarge the algorithm search space. Then, a new modified mutation strategy is instead of the original pitch adjustment operation of HS to further improve the search ability of HS. Effective self-adaptive strategy is presented to fine-tune the key control parameters (e.g. harmony memory consideration rate HMCR, and pitch adjustment rate PAR) to balance the local and global search in the evolution of the search process. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs much better than the existing improved HS variants that reported in recent literature in terms of the solution quality and the stability.

Biao Zhang, Huihui Yan, Junhua Duan, Liang, J.J., Hong-yan Sang, Quan-ke Pan.  2014.  An improved harmony search algorithm with dynamic control parameters for continuous optimization problems. Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC), The 26th Chinese. :966-971.

An improved harmony search algorithm is presented for solving continuous optimization problems in this paper. In the proposed algorithm, an elimination principle is developed for choosing from the harmony memory, so that the harmonies with better fitness will have more opportunities to be selected in generating new harmonies. Two key control parameters, pitch adjustment rate (PAR) and bandwidth distance (bw), are dynamically adjusted to favor exploration in the early stages and exploitation during the final stages of the search process with the different search spaces of the optimization problems. Numerical results of 12 benchmark problems show that the proposed algorithm performs more effectively than the existing HS variants in finding better solutions.

Ta-Yuan Liu, Mukherjee, P., Ulukus, S., Shih-Chun Lin, Hong, Y.-W.P..  2014.  Secure DoF of MIMO Rayleigh block fading wiretap channels with No CSI anywhere. Communications (ICC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :1959-1964.

We consider the block Rayleigh fading multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wiretap channel with no prior channel state information (CSI) available at any of the terminals. The channel gains remain constant in a coherence time of T symbols, and then change to another independent realization. The transmitter, the legitimate receiver and the eavesdropper have nt, nr and ne antennas, respectively. We determine the exact secure degrees of freedom (s.d.o.f.) of this system when T ≥ 2 min(nt, nr). We show that, in this case, the s.d.o.f. is exactly (min(nt, nr) - ne)+(T - min(nt, nr))/T. The first term can be interpreted as the eavesdropper with ne antennas taking away ne antennas from both the transmitter and the legitimate receiver. The second term can be interpreted as a fraction of s.d.o.f. being lost due to the lack of CSI at the legitimate receiver. In particular, the fraction loss, min(nt, nr)/T, can be interpreted as the fraction of channel uses dedicated to training the legitimate receiver for it to learn its own CSI. We prove that this s.d.o.f. can be achieved by employing a constant norm channel input, which can be viewed as a generalization of discrete signalling to multiple dimensions.

Xi Xiong, Haining Fan.  2014.  GF(2n) bit-parallel squarer using generalised polynomial basis for new class of irreducible pentanomials. Electronics Letters. 50:655-657.

Explicit formulae and complexities of bit-parallel GF(2n) squarers for a new class of irreducible pentanomials xn + xn-1 + xk + x + 1, where n is odd and 1 <; k <; (n - 1)/2 are presented. The squarer is based on the generalised polynomial basis of GF(2n). Its gate delay matches the best results, whereas its XOR gate complexity is n + 1, which is only about two thirds of the current best results.

Hongyi Yao, Silva, D., Jaggi, S., Langberg, M..  2014.  Network Codes Resilient to Jamming and Eavesdropping. Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on. 22:1978-1987.

We consider the problem of communicating information over a network secretly and reliably in the presence of a hidden adversary who can eavesdrop and inject malicious errors. We provide polynomial-time distributed network codes that are information-theoretically rate-optimal for this scenario, improving on the rates achievable in prior work by Ngai Our main contribution shows that as long as the sum of the number of links the adversary can jam (denoted by ZO) and the number of links he can eavesdrop on (denoted by ZI) is less than the network capacity (denoted by C) (i.e., ), our codes can communicate (with vanishingly small error probability) a single bit correctly and without leaking any information to the adversary. We then use this scheme as a module to design codes that allow communication at the source rate of C- ZO when there are no security requirements, and codes that allow communication at the source rate of C- ZO- ZI while keeping the communicated message provably secret from the adversary. Interior nodes are oblivious to the presence of adversaries and perform random linear network coding; only the source and destination need to be tweaked. We also prove that the rate-region obtained is information-theoretically optimal. In proving our results, we correct an error in prior work by a subset of the authors in this paper.

Yufei Gu, Yangchun Fu, Prakash, A., Zhiqiang Lin, Heng Yin.  2014.  Multi-Aspect, Robust, and Memory Exclusive Guest OS Fingerprinting. Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on. 2:380-394.

Precise fingerprinting of an operating system (OS) is critical to many security and forensics applications in the cloud, such as virtual machine (VM) introspection, penetration testing, guest OS administration, kernel dump analysis, and memory forensics. The existing OS fingerprinting techniques primarily inspect network packets or CPU states, and they all fall short in precision and usability. As the physical memory of a VM always exists in all these applications, in this article, we present OS-SOMMELIER+, a multi-aspect, memory exclusive approach for precise and robust guest OS fingerprinting in the cloud. It works as follows: given a physical memory dump of a guest OS, OS-SOMMELIER+ first uses a code hash based approach from kernel code aspect to determine the guest OS version. If code hash approach fails, OS-SOMMELIER+ then uses a kernel data signature based approach from kernel data aspect to determine the version. We have implemented a prototype system, and tested it with a number of Linux kernels. Our evaluation results show that the code hash approach is faster but can only fingerprint the known kernels, and data signature approach complements the code signature approach and can fingerprint even unknown kernels.

Bovet, G., Hennebert, J..  2014.  Distributed Semantic Discovery for Web-of-Things Enabled Smart Buildings. New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2014 6th International Conference on. :1-5.

Nowadays, our surrounding environment is more and more scattered with various types of sensors. Due to their intrinsic properties and representation formats, they form small islands isolated from each other. In order to increase interoperability and release their full capabilities, we propose to represent devices descriptions including data and service invocation with a common model allowing to compose mashups of heterogeneous sensors. Pushing this paradigm further, we also propose to augment service descriptions with a discovery protocol easing automatic assimilation of knowledge. In this work, we describe the architecture supporting what can be called a Semantic Sensor Web-of-Things. As proof of concept, we apply our proposal to the domain of smart buildings, composing a novel ontology covering heterogeneous sensing, actuation and service invocation. Our architecture also emphasizes on the energetic aspect and is optimized for constrained environments.

Shafagh, H., Hithnawi, A..  2014.  Poster Abstract: Security Comes First, a Public-key Cryptography Framework for the Internet of Things. Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :135-136.

Novel Internet services are emerging around an increasing number of sensors and actuators in our surroundings, commonly referred to as smart devices. Smart devices, which form the backbone of the Internet of Things (IoT), enable alternative forms of user experience by means of automation, convenience, and efficiency. At the same time new security and safety issues arise, given the Internet-connectivity and the interaction possibility of smart devices with human's proximate living space. Hence, security is a fundamental requirement of the IoT design. In order to remain interoperable with the existing infrastructure, we postulate a security framework compatible to standard IP-based security solutions, yet optimized to meet the constraints of the IoT ecosystem. In this ongoing work, we first identify necessary components of an interoperable secure End-to-End communication while incorporating Public-key Cryptography (PKC). To this end, we tackle involved computational and communication overheads. The required components on the hardware side are the affordable hardware acceleration engines for cryptographic operations and on the software side header compression and long-lasting secure sessions. In future work, we focus on integration of these components into a framework and the evaluation of an early prototype of this framework.

Shafagh, H., Hithnawi, A..  2014.  Poster Abstract: Security Comes First, a Public-key Cryptography Framework for the Internet of Things. Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :135-136.

Novel Internet services are emerging around an increasing number of sensors and actuators in our surroundings, commonly referred to as smart devices. Smart devices, which form the backbone of the Internet of Things (IoT), enable alternative forms of user experience by means of automation, convenience, and efficiency. At the same time new security and safety issues arise, given the Internet-connectivity and the interaction possibility of smart devices with human's proximate living space. Hence, security is a fundamental requirement of the IoT design. In order to remain interoperable with the existing infrastructure, we postulate a security framework compatible to standard IP-based security solutions, yet optimized to meet the constraints of the IoT ecosystem. In this ongoing work, we first identify necessary components of an interoperable secure End-to-End communication while incorporating Public-key Cryptography (PKC). To this end, we tackle involved computational and communication overheads. The required components on the hardware side are the affordable hardware acceleration engines for cryptographic operations and on the software side header compression and long-lasting secure sessions. In future work, we focus on integration of these components into a framework and the evaluation of an early prototype of this framework.

Yufan Huang, Xiaofan He, Huaiyu Dai.  2015.  Poster: Systematization of Metrics in Intrusion Detection Systems. ACM Proc. Of the Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Yufan Huang, Xiaofan He, Huaiyu Dai.  2015.  Poster: Systematization of Metrics in Intrusion Detection Systems. ACM Proc. Of the Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Heorhiadi, Victor, Fayaz, SeyedKaveh, Reiter, Michael K., Sekar, Vyas.  2014.  SNIPS: A Software-Defined Approach for Scaling Intrusion Prevention Systems via Offloading. 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security, ICISS 2014. 8880

Growing traffic volumes and the increasing complexity of attacks pose a constant scaling challenge for network intrusion prevention systems (NIPS). In this respect, offloading NIPS processing to compute clusters offers an immediately deployable alternative to expensive hardware upgrades. In practice, however, NIPS offloading is challenging on three fronts in contrast to passive network security functions: (1) NIPS offloading can impact other traffic engineering objectives; (2) NIPS offloading impacts user perceived latency; and (3) NIPS actively change traffic volumes by dropping unwanted traffic. To address these challenges, we present the SNIPS system. We design a formal optimization framework that captures tradeoffs across scalability, network load, and latency. We provide a practical implementation using recent advances in software-defined networking without requiring modifications to NIPS hardware. Our evaluations on realistic topologies show that SNIPS can reduce the maximum load by up to 10× while only increasing the latency by 2%.

Harrison, Michael A., Ruzzo, Walter L., Ullman, Jeffrey D..  1976.  Protection in Operating Systems. Commun. ACM. 19:461–471.

A model of protection mechanisms in computing systems is presented and its appropriateness is argued. The “safety” problem for protection systems under this model is to determine in a given situation whether a subject can acquire a particular right to an object. In restricted cases, it can be shown that this problem is decidable, i.e. there is an algorithm to determine whether a system in a particular configuration is safe. In general, and under surprisingly weak assumptions, it cannot be decided if a situation is safe. Various implications of this fact are discussed.

This article was identified by the SoS Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition Distinguished Experts as a Science of Security Significant Paper.

The Science of Security Paper Competition was developed to recognize and honor recently published papers that advance the science of cybersecurity. During the development of the competition, members of the Distinguished Experts group suggested that listing papers that made outstanding contributions, empirical or theoretical, to the science of cybersecurity in earlier years would also benefit the research community.

Breaux, T.D., Hibshi, H., Rao, A, Lehker, J..  2012.  Towards a framework for pattern experimentation: Understanding empirical validity in requirements engineering patterns. Requirements Patterns (RePa), 2012 IEEE Second International Workshop on. :41-47.

Despite the abundance of information security guidelines, system developers have difficulties implementing technical solutions that are reasonably secure. Security patterns are one possible solution to help developers reuse security knowledge. The challenge is that it takes experts to develop security patterns. To address this challenge, we need a framework to identify and assess patterns and pattern application practices that are accessible to non-experts. In this paper, we narrowly define what we mean by patterns by focusing on requirements patterns and the considerations that may inform how we identify and validate patterns for knowledge reuse. We motivate this discussion using examples from the requirements pattern literature and theory in cognitive psychology.

Hibshi, Hanan, Slavin, Rocky, Niu, Jianwei, Breaux, Travis D.  2014.  Rethinking Security Requirements in RE Research.

As information security became an increasing concern for software developers and users, requirements engineering (RE) researchers brought new insight to security requirements. Security requirements aim to address security at the early stages of system design while accommodating the complex needs of different stakeholders. Meanwhile, other research communities, such as usable privacy and security, have also examined these requirements with specialized goal to make security more usable for stakeholders from product owners, to system users and administrators. In this paper we report results from conducting a literature survey to compare security requirements research from RE Conferences with the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). We report similarities between the two research areas, such as common goals, technical definitions, research problems, and directions. Further, we clarify the differences between these two communities to understand how they can leverage each other’s insights. From our analysis, we recommend new directions in security requirements research mainly to expand the meaning of security requirements in RE to reflect the technological advancements that the broader field of security is experiencing. These recommendations to encourage cross- collaboration with other communities are not limited to the security requirements area; in fact, we believe they can be generalized to other areas of RE. 

Slavin, R., Hui Shen, Jianwei Niu.  2012.  Characterizations and boundaries of security requirements patterns. Requirements Patterns (RePa), 2012 IEEE Second International Workshop on. :48-53.

Very often in the software development life cycle, security is applied too late or important security aspects are overlooked. Although the use of security patterns is gaining popularity, the current state of security requirements patterns is such that there is not much in terms of a defining structure. To address this issue, we are working towards defining the important characteristics as well as the boundaries for security requirements patterns in order to make them more effective. By examining an existing general pattern format that describes how security patterns should be structured and comparing it to existing security requirements patterns, we are deriving characterizations and boundaries for security requirements patterns. From these attributes, we propose a defining format. We hope that these can reduce user effort in elicitation and specification of security requirements patterns.

Kashyap, V., Wiedermann, B., Hardekopf, B..  2011.  Timing- and Termination-Sensitive Secure Information Flow: Exploring a New Approach. Security and Privacy (SP), 2011 IEEE Symposium on. :413-428.

Secure information flow guarantees the secrecy and integrity of data, preventing an attacker from learning secret information (secrecy) or injecting untrusted information (integrity). Covert channels can be used to subvert these security guarantees, for example, timing and termination channels can, either intentionally or inadvertently, violate these guarantees by modifying the timing or termination behavior of a program based on secret or untrusted data. Attacks using these covert channels have been published and are known to work in practiceâ as techniques to prevent non-covert channels are becoming increasingly practical, covert channels are likely to become even more attractive for attackers to exploit. The goal of this paper is to understand the subtleties of timing and termination-sensitive noninterference, explore the space of possible strategies for enforcing noninterference guarantees, and formalize the exact guarantees that these strategies can enforce. As a result of this effort we create a novel strategy that provides stronger security guarantees than existing work, and we clarify claims in existing work about what guarantees can be made.

Becher, M., Freiling, F.C., Hoffmann, J., Holz, T., Uellenbeck, S., Wolf, C..  2011.  Mobile Security Catching Up? Revealing the Nuts and Bolts of the Security of Mobile Devices Security and Privacy (SP), 2011 IEEE Symposium on. :96-111.

We are currently moving from the Internet society to a mobile society where more and more access to information is done by previously dumb phones. For example, the number of mobile phones using a full blown OS has risen to nearly 200% from Q3/2009 to Q3/2010. As a result, mobile security is no longer immanent, but imperative. This survey paper provides a concise overview of mobile network security, attack vectors using the back end system and the web browser, but also the hardware layer and the user as attack enabler. We show differences and similarities between "normal" security and mobile security, and draw conclusions for further research opportunities in this area.

Henry, R., Goldberg, I.  2011.  Formalizing Anonymous Blacklisting Systems. Security and Privacy (SP), 2011 IEEE Symposium on. :81-95.

Anonymous communications networks, such as Tor, help to solve the real and important problem of enabling users to communicate privately over the Internet. However, in doing so, anonymous communications networks introduce an entirely new problem for the service providers - such as websites, IRC networks or mail servers - with which these users interact, in particular, since all anonymous users look alike, there is no way for the service providers to hold individual misbehaving anonymous users accountable for their actions. Recent research efforts have focused on using anonymous blacklisting systems (which are sometimes called anonymous revocation systems) to empower service providers with the ability to revoke access from abusive anonymous users. In contrast to revocable anonymity systems, which enable some trusted third party to deanonymize users, anonymous blacklisting systems provide users with a way to authenticate anonymously with a service provider, while enabling the service provider to revoke access from any users that misbehave, without revealing their identities. In this paper, we introduce the anonymous blacklisting problem and survey the literature on anonymous blacklisting systems, comparing and contrasting the architecture of various existing schemes, and discussing the tradeoffs inherent with each design. The literature on anonymous blacklisting systems lacks a unified set of definitions, each scheme operates under different trust assumptions and provides different security and privacy guarantees. Therefore, before we discuss the existing approaches in detail, we first propose a formal definition for anonymous blacklisting systems, and a set of security and privacy properties that these systems should possess. We also outline a set of new performance requirements that anonymous blacklisting systems should satisfy to maximize their potential for real-world adoption, and give formal definitions for several optional features already supported by some sche- - mes in the literature.

Howe, AE., Ray, I, Roberts, M., Urbanska, M., Byrne, Z..  2012.  The Psychology of Security for the Home Computer User. Security and Privacy (SP), 2012 IEEE Symposium on. :209-223.

The home computer user is often said to be the weakest link in computer security. They do not always follow security advice, and they take actions, as in phishing, that compromise themselves. In general, we do not understand why users do not always behave safely, which would seem to be in their best interest. This paper reviews the literature of surveys and studies of factors that influence security decisions for home computer users. We organize the review in four sections: understanding of threats, perceptions of risky behavior, efforts to avoid security breaches and attitudes to security interventions. We find that these studies reveal a lot of reasons why current security measures may not match the needs or abilities of home computer users and suggest future work needed to inform how security is delivered to this user group.

Chang Liu, Hicks, M., Shi, E..  2013.  Memory Trace Oblivious Program Execution. Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF), 2013 IEEE 26th. :51-65.

Cloud computing allows users to delegate data and computation to cloud service providers, at the cost of giving up physical control of their computing infrastructure. An attacker (e.g., insider) with physical access to the computing platform can perform various physical attacks, including probing memory buses and cold-boot style attacks. Previous work on secure (co-)processors provides hardware support for memory encryption and prevents direct leakage of sensitive data over the memory bus. However, an adversary snooping on the bus can still infer sensitive information from the memory access traces. Existing work on Oblivious RAM (ORAM) provides a solution for users to put all data in an ORAM; and accesses to an ORAM are obfuscated such that no information leaks through memory access traces. This method, however, incurs significant memory access overhead. This work is the first to leverage programming language techniques to offer efficient memory-trace oblivious program execution, while providing formal security guarantees. We formally define the notion of memory-trace obliviousness, and provide a type system for verifying that a program satisfies this property. We also describe a compiler that transforms a program into a structurally similar one that satisfies memory trace obliviousness. To achieve optimal efficiency, our compiler partitions variables into several small ORAM banks rather than one large one, without risking security. We use several example programs to demonstrate the efficiency gains our compiler achieves in comparison with the naive method of placing all variables in the same ORAM.