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G, Amritha, Kh, Vishakh, C, Jishnu Shankar V, Nair, Manjula G.  2022.  Autoencoder Based FDI Attack Detection Scheme For Smart Grid Stability. 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON). :1—5.
One of the major concerns in the real-time monitoring systems in a smart grid is the Cyber security threat. The false data injection attack is emerging as a major form of attack in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). A False data Injection Attack (FDIA) can lead to severe issues like insufficient generation, physical damage to the grid, power flow imbalance as well as economical loss. The recent advancements in machine learning algorithms have helped solve the drawbacks of using classical detection techniques for such attacks. In this article, we propose to use Autoencoders (AE’s) as a novel Machine Learning approach to detect FDI attacks without any major modifications. The performance of the method is validated through the analysis of the simulation results. The algorithm achieves optimal accuracy owing to the unsupervised nature of the algorithm.
Ponce-de-Leon, Hernán, Kinder, Johannes.  2022.  Cats vs. Spectre: An Axiomatic Approach to Modeling Speculative Execution Attacks. 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :235–248.

The SPECTRE family of speculative execution attacks has required a rethinking of formal methods for security. Approaches based on operational speculative semantics have made initial inroads towards finding vulnerable code and validating defenses. However, with each new attack grows the amount of microarchitectural detail that has to be integrated into the underlying semantics. We propose an alternative, lightweight and axiomatic approach to specifying speculative semantics that relies on insights from memory models for concurrency. We use the CAT modeling language for memory consistency to specify execution models that capture speculative control flow, store-to-load forwarding, predictive store forwarding, and memory ordering machine clears. We present a bounded model checking framework parameterized by our speculative CAT models and evaluate its implementation against the state of the art. Due to the axiomatic approach, our models can be rapidly extended to allow our framework to detect new types of attacks and validate defenses against them.

ISSN: 2375-1207

Qiu, Zhengyi, Shao, Shudi, Zhao, Qi, Khan, Hassan Ali, Hui, Xinning, Jin, Guoliang.  2022.  A Deep Study of the Effects and Fixes of Server-Side Request Races in Web Applications. 2022 IEEE/ACM 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR). :744–756.

Server-side web applications are vulnerable to request races. While some previous studies of real-world request races exist, they primarily focus on the root cause of these bugs. To better combat request races in server-side web applications, we need a deep understanding of their characteristics. In this paper, we provide a complementary focus on race effects and fixes with an enlarged set of request races from web applications developed with Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks. We revisit characterization questions used in previous studies on newly included request races, distinguish the external and internal effects of request races, and relate requestrace fixes with concurrency control mechanisms in languages and frameworks for developing server-side web applications. Our study reveals that: (1) request races from ORM-based web applications share the same characteristics as those from raw-SQL web applications; (2) request races violating application semantics without explicit crashes and error messages externally are common, and latent request races, which only corrupt some shared resource internally but require extra requests to expose the misbehavior, are also common; and (3) various fix strategies other than using synchronization mechanisms are used to fix request races. We expect that our results can help developers better understand request races and guide the design and development of tools for combating request races.

ISSN: 2574-3864

Saldutti, Marco, Yu, Yi, Kristensen, Philip Trøst, Kountouris, George, Mørk, Jesper.  2022.  Carrier dynamics in nonlinear photonic nanocavities with extreme dielectric confinement. 2022 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC). :1–2.
We show that a new type of dielectric cavity featuring deep sub-wavelength light confinement allows a significant speedup of all-optical signal processing functionalities, without compromising the energy efficiency. The effect is due to enhanced diffusion dynamics in an unconventional geometry.
ISSN: 2575-274X
Provencher, C. M., Johnson, A. J., Carroll, E. G., Povilus, A. P., Javedani, J., Stygar, W. A., Kozioziemski, B. J., Moody, J. D., Tang, V..  2022.  A Pulsed Power Design Optimization Code for Magnetized Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments at the National Ignition Facility. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS). :1–1.
The MagNIF team at LLNL is developing a pulsed power platform to enable magnetized inertial confinement fusion and high energy density experiments at the National Ignition Facility. A pulsed solenoidal driver capable of premagnetizing fusion fuel to 40T is predicted to increase performance of indirect drive implosions. We have written a specialized Python code suite to support the delivery of a practical design optimized for target magnetization and risk mitigation. The code simulates pulsed power in parameterized system designs and converges to high-performance candidates compliant with evolving engineering constraints, such as scale, mass, diagnostic access, mechanical displacement, thermal energy deposition, facility standards, and component-specific failure modes. The physics resolution and associated computational costs of our code are intermediate between those of 0D circuit codes and 3D magnetohydrodynamic codes, to be predictive and support fast, parallel simulations in parameter space. Development of a reduced-order, physics-based target model is driven by high-resolution simulations in ALE3D (an institutional multiphysics code) and multi-diagnostic data from a commissioned pulser platform. Results indicate system performance is sensitive to transient target response, which should include magnetohydrodynamic expansion, resistive heating, nonlinear magnetic diffusion, and phase change. Design optimization results for a conceptual NIF platform are reported.
ISSN: 2576-7208
Halabi, Talal, Haque, Israat, Karimipour, Hadis.  2022.  Adaptive Control for Security and Resilience of Networked Cyber-Physical Systems: Where Are We? 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications (TPS-ISA). :239–247.

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), a class of complex intelligent systems, are considered the backbone of Industry 4.0. They aim to achieve large-scale, networked control of dynamical systems and processes such as electricity and gas distribution networks and deliver pervasive information services by combining state-of-the-art computing, communication, and control technologies. However, CPSs are often highly nonlinear and uncertain, and their intrinsic reliance on open communication platforms increases their vulnerability to security threats, which entails additional challenges to conventional control design approaches. Indeed, sensor measurements and control command signals, whose integrity plays a critical role in correct controller design, may be interrupted or falsely modified when broadcasted on wireless communication channels due to cyber attacks. This can have a catastrophic impact on CPS performance. In this paper, we first conduct a thorough analysis of recently developed secure and resilient control approaches leveraging the solid foundations of adaptive control theory to achieve security and resilience in networked CPSs against sensor and actuator attacks. Then, we discuss the limitations of current adaptive control strategies and present several future research directions in this field.

Lakshmi, Swathy, Kumar, Renjith H.  2022.  Secure Communication between Arduinos using Controller Area Network(CAN) Bus. 2022 IEEE International Power and Renewable Energy Conference (IPRECON). :1–6.
Present-day vehicles have numerous Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and they communicate with each other over a network known as the Controller Area Network(CAN) bus. In this way, the CAN bus is a fundamental component of intra-vehicle communication. The CAN bus was designed without focusing on communication security and in this way it is vulnerable to many cyber attacks. As the vehicles are always connected to the Internet, the CAN bus is remotely accessible and could be hacked. To secure the communication between ECUs and defend against these cyber attacks, we apply a Hash Message Authentication Code(HMAC) to automotive data and demonstrate the CAN bus communication between two ECUs using Arduino UNO and MCP2515 CAN bus module.
Matsubayashi, Masaru, Koyama, Takuma, Tanaka, Masashi, Okano, Yasushi, Miyajima, Asami.  2022.  Message Source Identification in Controller Area Network by Utilizing Diagnostic Communications and an Intrusion Detection System. 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Fall). :1–6.
International regulations specified in WP.29 and international standards specified in ISO/SAE 21434 require security operations such as cyberattack detection and incident responses to protect vehicles from cyberattacks. To meet these requirements, many vehicle manufacturers are planning to install Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) in the Controller Area Network (CAN), which is a primary component of in-vehicle networks, in the coming years. Besides, many vehicle manufacturers and information security companies are developing technologies to identify attack paths related to IDS alerts to respond to cyberattacks appropriately and quickly. To develop the IDSs and the technologies to identify attack paths, it is essential to grasp normal communications performed on in-vehicle networks. Thus, our study aims to develop a technology that can easily grasp normal communications performed on in-vehicle networks. In this paper, we propose the first message source identification method that easily identifies CAN-IDs used by each Electronic Control Unit (ECU) connected to the CAN for message transmissions. We realize the proposed method by utilizing diagnostic communications and an IDS installed in the CAN (CAN-IDS). We evaluate the proposed method using an ECU installed in an actual vehicle and four kinds of simulated CAN-IDSs based on typical existing intrusion detection methods for the CAN. The evaluation results show that the proposed method can identify the CAN-ID used by the ECU for CAN message transmissions if a suitable simulated CAN-IDS for the proposed method is connected to the vehicle.
ISSN: 2577-2465
Kostis, Ioannis - Aris, Karamitsios, Konstantinos, Kotrotsios, Konstantinos, Tsolaki, Magda, Tsolaki, Anthoula.  2022.  AI-Enabled Conversational Agents in Service of Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients. 2022 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technology (IEIT). :69–74.
Over the past two decades, several forms of non-intrusive technology have been deployed in cooperation with medical specialists in order to aid patients diagnosed with some form of mental, cognitive or psychological condition. Along with the availability and accessibility to applications offered by mobile devices, as well as the advancements in the field of Artificial Intelligence applications and Natural Language Processing, Conversational Agents have been developed with the objective of aiding medical specialists detecting those conditions in their early stages and monitoring their symptoms and effects on the cognitive state of the patient, as well as supporting the patient in their effort of mitigating those symptoms. Coupled with the recent advances in the the scientific field of machine and deep learning, we aim to explore the grade of applicability of such technologies into cognitive health support Conversational Agents, and their impact on the acceptability of such applications bytheir end users. Therefore, we conduct a systematic literature review, following a transparent and thorough process in order to search and analyze the bibliography of the past five years, focused on the implementation of Conversational Agents, supported by Artificial Intelligence technologies and in service of patients diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment and its variants.
Karayat, Ritik, Jadhav, Manish, Kondaka, Lakshmi Sudha, Nambiar, Ashwath.  2022.  Web Application Penetration Testing & Patch Development Using Kali Linux. 2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). 1:1392–1397.
Nowadays, safety is a first-rate subject for all applications. There has been an exponential growth year by year in the number of businesses going digital since the few decades following the birth of the Internet. In these technologically advanced times, cyber security is a must mainly for internet applications, so we have the notion of diving deeper into the Cyber security domain and are determined to make a complete project. We aim to develop a website portal for ease of communication between us and the end user. Utilizing the power of python scripting and flask server to make independent automated tools for detection of SQLI, XSS & a Spider(Content Discovery Tool). We have also integrated skipfish as a website vulnerability scanner to our project using python and Kali Linux. Since conducting a penetration test on another website without permission is not legal, we thought of building a dummy website prone to OS Command Injection in addition to the above-mentioned attacks. A well-documented report will be generated after the penetration test/ vulnerability scan. In case the website is vulnerable, patching of the website will be done with the user's consent.
ISSN: 2575-7288
Saxena, Aditi, Arora, Akarshi, Saxena, Saumya, Kumar, Ashwni.  2022.  Detection of web attacks using machine learning based URL classification techniques. 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT). :1–13.
For a long time, online attacks were regarded to pose a severe threat to web - based applications, websites, and clients. It can bypass authentication methods, steal sensitive information from datasets and clients, and also gain ultimate authority of servers. A variety of ways for safeguarding online apps have been developed and used to deal the website risks. Based on the studies about the intersection of cybersecurity and machine learning, countermeasures for identifying typical web assaults have recently been presented (ML). In order to establish a better understanding on this essential topic, it is necessary to study ML methodologies, feature extraction techniques, evaluate datasets, and performance metrics utilised in a systematic manner. In this paper, we go through web security flaws like SQLi, XSS, malicious URLs, phishing attacks, path traversal, and CMDi in detail. We also go through the existing security methods for detecting these threats using machine learning approaches for URL classification. Finally, we discuss potential research opportunities for ML and DL-based techniques in this category, based on a thorough examination of existing solutions in the literature.
Dutta, Ashutosh, Hammad, Eman, Enright, Michael, Behmann, Fawzi, Chorti, Arsenia, Cheema, Ahmad, Kadio, Kassi, Urbina-Pineda, Julia, Alam, Khaled, Limam, Ahmed et al..  2022.  Security and Privacy. 2022 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF). :1–71.
The digital transformation brought on by 5G is redefining current models of end-to-end (E2E) connectivity and service reliability to include security-by-design principles necessary to enable 5G to achieve its promise. 5G trustworthiness highlights the importance of embedding security capabilities from the very beginning while the 5G architecture is being defined and standardized. Security requirements need to overlay and permeate through the different layers of 5G systems (physical, network, and application) as well as different parts of an E2E 5G architecture within a risk-management framework that takes into account the evolving security-threats landscape. 5G presents a typical use-case of wireless communication and computer networking convergence, where 5G fundamental building blocks include components such as Software Defined Networks (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and the edge cloud. This convergence extends many of the security challenges and opportunities applicable to SDN/NFV and cloud to 5G networks. Thus, 5G security needs to consider additional security requirements (compared to previous generations) such as SDN controller security, hypervisor security, orchestrator security, cloud security, edge security, etc. At the same time, 5G networks offer security improvement opportunities that should be considered. Here, 5G architectural flexibility, programmability and complexity can be harnessed to improve resilience and reliability. The working group scope fundamentally addresses the following: •5G security considerations need to overlay and permeate through the different layers of the 5G systems (physical, network, and application) as well as different parts of an E2E 5G architecture including a risk management framework that takes into account the evolving security threats landscape. •5G exemplifies a use-case of heterogeneous access and computer networking convergence, which extends a unique set of security challenges and opportunities (e.g., related to SDN/NFV and edge cloud, etc.) to 5G networks. Similarly, 5G networks by design offer potential security benefits and opportunities through harnessing the architecture flexibility, programmability and complexity to improve its resilience and reliability. •The IEEE FNI security WG's roadmap framework follows a taxonomic structure, differentiating the 5G functional pillars and corresponding cybersecurity risks. As part of cross collaboration, the security working group will also look into the security issues associated with other roadmap working groups within the IEEE Future Network Initiative.
ISSN: 2770-7679
Khandelwal, Shubh, Sharma, Shreya, Vishnoi, Sarthak, Agarwal, Ms Ashi.  2022.  Store Management Security System. 2022 Fifth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies (CCICT). :169–173.
Nowadays big shopping marts are expanding their business all over the world but not all marts are fully protected with the advanced security system. Very often we come across cases where people take the things out of the mart without billing. These marts require some advanced features-based security system for them so that they can run an efficient and no-loss business. The idea we are giving here can not only be implemented in marts to enhance their security but can also be used in various other fields to cope up with the incompetent management system. Several issues of the stores like regular stock updating, placing orders for new products, replacing products that have expired can be solved with the idea we present here. We also plan on making the slow processes of billing and checking out of the mart faster and more efficient that would result in customer satisfaction.
Nicholls, D., Robinson, A., Wells, J., Moshtaghpour, A., Bahri, M., Kirkland, A., Browning, N..  2022.  Compressive Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :1586–1590.
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) offers high-resolution images that are used to quantify the nanoscale atomic structure and composition of materials and biological specimens. In many cases, however, the resolution is limited by the electron beam damage, since in traditional STEM, a focused electron beam scans every location of the sample in a raster fashion. In this paper, we propose a scanning method based on the theory of Compressive Sensing (CS) and subsampling the electron probe locations using a line hop sampling scheme that significantly reduces the electron beam damage. We experimentally validate the feasibility of the proposed method by acquiring real CS-STEM data, and recovering images using a Bayesian dictionary learning approach. We support the proposed method by applying a series of masks to fully-sampled STEM data to simulate the expectation of real CS-STEM. Finally, we perform the real data experimental series using a constrained-dose budget to limit the impact of electron dose upon the results, by ensuring that the total electron count remains constant for each image.
ISSN: 2379-190X
Barac, Petar, Bajor, Matthew, Kinget, Peter R..  2022.  Compressive-Sampling Spectrum Scanning with a Beamforming Receiver for Rapid, Directional, Wideband Signal Detection. 2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2022-Spring). :1–5.
Communication systems across a variety of applications are increasingly using the angular domain to improve spectrum management. They require new sensing architectures to perform energy-efficient measurements of the electromagnetic environment that can be deployed in a variety of use cases. This paper presents the Directional Spectrum Sensor (DSS), a compressive sampling (CS) based analog-to-information converter (CS-AIC) that performs spectrum scanning in a focused beam. The DSS offers increased spectrum sensing sensitivity and interferer tolerance compared to omnidirectional sensors. The DSS implementation uses a multi-antenna beamforming architecture with local oscillators that are modulated with pseudo random waveforms to obtain CS measurements. The overall operation, limitations, and the influence of wideband angular effects on the spectrum scanning performance are discussed. Measurements on an experimental prototype are presented and highlight improvements over single antenna, omnidirectional sensing systems.
ISSN: 2577-2465
Mahind, Umesh, Karia, Deepak.  2022.  Development and Analysis of Sparse Spasmodic Sampling Techniques. 2022 International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications (ICECAA). :818–823.
The Compressive Sensing (CS) has wide range of applications in various domains. The sampling of sparse signal, which is periodic or aperiodic in nature, is still an out of focus topic. This paper proposes novel Sparse Spasmodic Sampling (SSS) techniques for different sparse signal in original domain. The SSS techniques are proposed to overcome the drawback of the existing CS sampling techniques, which can sample any sparse signal efficiently and also find location of non-zero components in signals. First, Sparse Spasmodic Sampling model-1 (SSS-1) which samples random points and also include non-zero components is proposed. Another sampling technique, Sparse Spasmodic Sampling model-2 (SSS-2) has the same working principle as model-1 with some advancements in design. It samples equi-distance points unlike SSS-1. It is demonstrated that, using any sampling technique, the signal is able to reconstruct with a reconstruction algorithm with a smaller number of measurements. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed sampling techniques.
Abraham, Jacob, Ehret, Alan, Kinsy, Michel A..  2022.  A Compiler for Transparent Namespace-Based Access Control for the Zeno Architecture. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED). :1–10.
With memory safety and security issues continuing to plague modern systems, security is rapidly becoming a first class priority in new architectures and competes directly with performance and power efficiency. The capability-based architecture model provides a promising solution to many memory vulnerabilities by replacing plain addresses with capabilities, i.e., addresses and related metadata. A key advantage of the capability model is compatibility with existing code bases. Capabilities can be implemented transparently to a programmer, i.e., without source code changes. Capabilities leverage semantics in source code to describe access permissions but require customized compilers to translate the semantics to their binary equivalent.In this work, we introduce a complete capabilityaware compiler toolchain for such secure architectures. We illustrate the compiler construction with a RISC-V capability-based architecture, called Zeno. As a securityfocused, large-scale, global shared memory architecture, Zeno implements a Namespace-based capability model for accesses. Namespace IDs (NSID) are encoded with an extended addressing model to associate them with access permission metadata elsewhere in the system. The NSID extended addressing model requires custom compiler support to fully leverage the protections offered by Namespaces. The Zeno compiler produces code transparently to the programmer that is aware of Namespaces and maintains their integrity. The Zeno assembler enables custom Zeno instructions which support secure memory operations. Our results show that our custom toolchain moderately increases the binary size compared to nonZeno compilation. We find the minimal overhead incurred by the additional NSID management instructions to be an acceptable trade-off for the memory safety and security offered by Zeno Namespaces.
Kudrjavets, Gunnar, Kumar, Aditya, Nagappan, Nachiappan, Rastogi, Ayushi.  2022.  The Unexplored Terrain of Compiler Warnings. 2022 IEEE/ACM 44th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP). :283–284.
The authors' industry experiences suggest that compiler warnings, a lightweight version of program analysis, are valuable early bug detection tools. Significant costs are associated with patches and security bulletins for issues that could have been avoided if compiler warnings were addressed. Yet, the industry's attitude towards compiler warnings is mixed. Practices range from silencing all compiler warnings to having a zero-tolerance policy as to any warnings. Current published data indicates that addressing compiler warnings early is beneficial. However, support for this value theory stems from grey literature or is anecdotal. Additional focused research is needed to truly assess the cost-benefit of addressing warnings.
Khodeir, Mahmoud A., Alrayahneh, Wesam S..  2022.  Physical-Layer Security in Underlay Cognitive Radio System with Full-Duplex Secondary User over Nakagami-m Fading Channel. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS). :495–501.
In this paper, we study an underlay Cognitive Radio (CR) system with energy harvesting over Nakagami-m fading channel. This system consists of a secondary source, a secondary receiver, a primary receiver and a single eavesdropper. The source in the secondary network has one antenna and transmits information to the secondary receiver equipped with two separated antennas to operate in a Full-Duplex (FD) mode. The upper and lower bounds for the Strictly Positive Secrecy Capacity (SPSC) are derived and the numerical results demonstrate that the performance of the proposed system can be improved by increasing the average channel power gain between the source and the destination. Here, the lower and upper bounds are merged to form the exact SPSC when the total interference is below a predefined limit.
Nguyen, Tu-Trinh Thi, Nguyen, Xuan-Xinh, Kha, Ha Hoang.  2022.  Secrecy Outage Performance Analysis for IRS-Aided Cognitive Radio NOMA Networks. 2022 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE). :149–154.
This paper investigates the physical layer security of a cognitive radio (CR) non-orthogonal multiple-access (NOMA) network supported by an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS). In a CR network, a secondary base station (BS) serves a couple of users, i.e., near and far users, via NOMA transmission under eavesdropping from a malicious attacker. It is assumed that the direct transmission link from the BS and far user is absent due to obstacles. Thus, an IRS is utilized to support far user communication, however, the communication links between the IRS and near/primary users are neglected because of heavy attenuation. The exact secrecy outage probability (SOP) for the near user and approximate SOP for the far user are then derived in closed-form by using the Gauss-Chebyshev approach. The accuracy of the derived analytical SOP is then verified through Monte Carlo simulations. The simulation results also provide useful insights on the impacts of the number of IRS reflecting elements and limited interference temperature on the system SOP.
Khodeir, Mahmoud A., Alquran, Saja M..  2022.  On Secrecy Performance in Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks with EH and TAS over α-μ Channel. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS). :463–468.
This paper investigates the secrecy outage performance of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) secondary nodes for underlay Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) over α–μ fading channel. Here, the proposed system consists of one active eavesdropper and two primary nodes each with a single antenna. The power of the secondary transmitter depends on the harvested energy from the primary transmitter to save more energy and spectrum. Moreover, a Transmit Antenna Selection (TAS) scheme is adopted at the secondary source, while the Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) technique is employed at the secondary receiver to optimize the quality of the signal. A lower bound closed-form phrase for the secrecy outage performance is derived to demonstrate the effects of the channel parameters. In addition, numerical results illustrate that the number of source transmit antennas, destination received antenna, and the eavesdropper received antenna have significant effects on improving the secrecy performance.
Salcedo, Mathew David, Abid, Mehdi, Kim, Yoohwan, Jo, Ju-Yeon.  2022.  Evil-Twin Browsers: Using Open-Source Code to Clone Browsers for Malicious Purposes. 2022 IEEE 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :0776—0784.
Browsers are one of the most widely used types of software around the world. This prevalence makes browsers a prime target for cyberattacks. To mitigate these threats, users can practice safe browsing habits and take advantage of the security features available to browsers. These protections, however, could be severely crippled if the browser itself were malicious. Presented in this paper is the concept of the evil-twin browser (ETB), a clone of a legitimate browser that looks and behaves identically to the original browser, but discreetly performs other tasks that harm a user's security. To better understand the concept of the evil-twin browser, a prototype ETB named ChroNe was developed. The creation and installation process of ChroN e is discussed in this paper. This paper also explores the motivation behind creating such a browser, examines existing relevant work, inspects the open-source codebase Chromium that assisted in ChroNe's development, and discusses relevant topics like ways to deliver an ETB, the capabilities of an ETB, and possible ways to defend against ETBs.
Kumar, Gaurav, Riaz, Anjum, Prasad, Yamuna, Ahlawat, Satyadev.  2022.  On Attacking IJTAG Architecture based on Locking SIB with Security LFSR. 2022 IEEE 28th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS). :1–6.
In recent decennium, hardware security has gained a lot of attention due to different types of attacks being launched, such as IP theft, reverse engineering, counterfeiting, etc. The critical testing infrastructure incorporated into ICs is very popular among attackers to mount side-channel attacks. The IEEE standard 1687 (IJTAG) is one such testing infrastructure that is the focus of attackers these days. To secure access to the IJTAG network, various techniques based on Locking SIB (LSIB) have been proposed. One such very effective technique makes use of Security Linear Feedback Shift Register (SLFSR) along with LSIB. The SLFSR obfuscates the scan chain information from the attacker and hence makes the brute-force attack against LSIB ineffective.In this work, it is shown that the SLFSR based Locking SIB is vulnerable to side-channel attacks. A power analysis attack along with known-plaintext attack is used to determine the IJTAG network structure. First, the known-plaintext attack is used to retrieve the SLFSR design information. This information is further used along with power analysis attack to determine the exact length of the scan chain which in turn breaks the whole security scheme. Further, a countermeasure is proposed to prevent the aforementioned hybrid attack.
ISSN: 1942-9401
Kandera, Branislav, Holoda, Šimon, Jančík, Marián, Melníková, Lucia.  2022.  Supply Chain Risks Assessment of selected EUROCONTROL’s surveillance products. 2022 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD). :86–89.
Cybersecurity is without doubt becoming a societal challenge. It even starts to affect sectors that were not considered to be at risk in the past because of their relative isolation. One of these sectors is aviation in general, and specifically air traffic management. Nowadays, the cyber security is one of the essential issues of current Air Traffic Systems. Compliance with the basic principles of cyber security is mandated by European Union law as well as the national law. Therefore, EUROCONTROL as the provider of several tools or services (ARTAS, EAD, SDDS, etc.), is regularly conducting various activities, such as the cyber-security assessments, penetration testing, supply chain risk assessment, in order to maintain and improve persistence of the products against the cyber-attacks.
Yuvaraj, D., Anitha, M, Singh, Brijesh, Karyemsetty, Nagarjuna, Krishnamoorthy, R., Arun, S..  2022.  Systematic Review of Security Authentication based on Block Chain. 2022 3rd International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC). :768–771.
One of the fifth generation’s most promising solutions for addressing the network system capacity issue is the ultra-dense network. However, a new problem arises because the user equipment secure access is made up of access points that are independent, transitory, and dynamic. The APs are independent and equal in this. It is possible to think of it as a decentralized access network. The access point’s coverage is less than the standard base stations. The user equipment will interface with access points more frequently as it moves, which is a problem. The current 4G Authentication and Key Agreement method, however, is unable to meet this need for quick and frequent authentication. This study means to research how blockchain innovation is being utilized in production network the executives, as well as its forthcoming purposes and arising patterns. To more readily comprehend the direction of important exploration and illuminate the benefits, issues, and difficulties in the blockchain-production network worldview, a writing overview and a logical evaluation of the current examination on blockchain-based supply chains were finished. Multifaceted verification strategies have as of late been utilized as possible guards against blockchain attacks. To further develop execution, scatter administration, and mechanize processes, inventory network tasks might be upset utilizing blockchain innovation