Gaussian random attacks that jointly minimize the amount of information obtained by the operator from the grid and the probability of attack detection are presented. The construction of the attack is posed as an optimization problem with a utility function that captures two effects: firstly, minimizing the mutual information between the measurements and the state variables; secondly, minimizing the probability of attack detection via the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the distribution of the measurements with an attack and the distribution of the measurements without an attack. Additionally, a lower bound on the utility function achieved by the attacks constructed with imperfect knowledge of the second order statistics of the state variables is obtained. The performance of the attack construction using the sample covariance matrix of the state variables is numerically evaluated. The above results are tested in the IEEE 30-Bus test system.
Network motifs are often called the building blocks of networks. Analysis of motifs is found to be an indispensable tool for understanding local network structure, in contrast to measures based on node degree distribution and its functions that primarily address a global network topology. As a result, networks that are similar in terms of global topological properties may differ noticeably at a local level. In the context of power grids, this phenomenon of the impact of local structure has been recently documented in fragility analysis and power system classification. At the same time, most studies of power system networks still tend to focus on global topo-logical measures of power grids, often failing to unveil hidden mechanisms behind vulnerability of real power systems and their dynamic response to malfunctions. In this paper a pilot study of motif-based analysis of power grid robustness under various types of intentional attacks is presented, with the goal of shedding light on local dynamics and vulnerability of power systems.
Cloud storage is vulnerable to advanced persistent threats (APTs), in which an attacker launches stealthy, continuous, well-funded and targeted attacks on storage devices. In this paper, cumulative prospect theory (CPT) is applied to study the interactions between a defender of cloud storage and an APT attacker when each of them makes subjective decisions to choose the scan interval and attack interval, respectively. Both the probability weighting effect and the framing effect are applied to model the deviation of subjective decisions of end-users from the objective decisions governed by expected utility theory, under uncertain attack durations. Cumulative decision weights are used to describe the probability weighting effect and the value distortion functions are used to represent the framing effect of subjective APT attackers and defenders in the CPT-based APT defense game, rather than discrete decision weights, as in earlier prospect theoretic study of APT defense. The Nash equilibria of the CPT-based APT defense game are derived, showing that a subjective attacker becomes risk-seeking if the frame of reference for evaluating the utility is large, and becomes risk-averse if the frame of reference for evaluating the utility is small.