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Xie, S., Wang, G..  2018.  Optimization of parallel turnings using particle swarm intelligence. 2018 Tenth International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI). :230–234.
Machining process parameters optimization is of concern in machining fields considering machining cost factor. In order to solve the optimization problem of machining process parameters in parallel turning operations, which aims to reduce the machining cost, two PSO-based optimization approaches are proposed in this paper. According to the divide-and-conquer idea, the problem is divided into some similar sub-problems. A particle swarm optimization then is derived to conquer each sub-problem to find the optimal results. Simulations show that, comparing to other optimization approaches proposed previously, the proposed two PSO-based approaches can get optimal machining parameters to reduce both the machining cost (UC) and the computation time.
Wang, G., Wang, B., Wang, T., Nika, A., Zheng, H., Zhao, B. Y..  2018.  Ghost Riders: Sybil Attacks on Crowdsourced Mobile Mapping Services. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 26:1123–1136.
Real-time crowdsourced maps, such as Waze provide timely updates on traffic, congestion, accidents, and points of interest. In this paper, we demonstrate how lack of strong location authentication allows creation of software-based Sybil devices that expose crowdsourced map systems to a variety of security and privacy attacks. Our experiments show that a single Sybil device with limited resources can cause havoc on Waze, reporting false congestion and accidents and automatically rerouting user traffic. More importantly, we describe techniques to generate Sybil devices at scale, creating armies of virtual vehicles capable of remotely tracking precise movements for large user populations while avoiding detection. To defend against Sybil devices, we propose a new approach based on co-location edges, authenticated records that attest to the one-time physical co-location of a pair of devices. Over time, co-location edges combine to form large proximity graphs that attest to physical interactions between devices, allowing scalable detection of virtual vehicles. We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach using large-scale simulations, and how they can be used to dramatically reduce the impact of the attacks. We have informed Waze/Google team of our research findings. Currently, we are in active collaboration with Waze team to improve the security and privacy of their system.
Wang, G., Sun, Y., He, Q., Xin, G., Wang, B..  2018.  A Content Auditing Method of IPsec VPN. 2018 IEEE Third International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC). :634–639.

As one of the most commonly used protocols in VPN technology, IPsec has many advantages. However, certain difficulties are posed to the audit work by the protection of in-formation. In this paper, we propose an audit method via man-in-the-middle mechanism, and design a prototype system with DPDK technology. Experiments are implemented in an IPv4 network environment, using default configuration of IPsec VPN configured with known PSK, on operating systems such as windows 7, windows 10, Android and iOS. Experimental results show that the prototype system can obtain the effect of content auditing well without affecting the normal communication between IPsec VPN users.

Wang, G., Qin, Yanyuan, Chang, Chengjuan.  2017.  Communication with partial noisy feedback. 2017 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :602–607.

This paper introduces the notion of one-way communication schemes with partial noisy feedback. To support this communication, the schemes suppose that Alice and Bob wish to communicate: Alice sends a sequence of alphabets over a channel to Bob, while Alice receives feedback bits from Bob for δ fraction of the transmissions. An adversary is allowed to tamper up to a constant fraction of these transmissions for both forward rounds and feedback rounds separately. This paper intends to determine the Maximum Error Rate (MER), as a function of δ (0 ≤ δ ≤ 1), under the MER rate, so that Alice can successfully communicate the messages to Bob via some protocols with δ fraction of noisy feedback. To provide a reasonable solution for the above problem, we need to explore a new kind of coding scheme for the interactive communication. In this paper, we use the notion of “non-malleable codes” (NMC) which relaxes the notions of error-correction and error-detection to some extent in communication. Informally, a code is non-malleable if the message contained in a modified codeword is either the original message or a completely unrelated value. This property largely enforces the way to detect the transmission errors. Based on the above knowledge, we provide an alphabet-based encoding scheme, including a pair of (Enc, Dec). Suppose the message needing to be transmitted is m; if m is corrupted unintentionally, then the encoding scheme Dec(Enc(m)) outputs a symbol `⊥' to denote that some potential corruptions happened during transmission. In this work, based on the previous results, we show that for any δ ∈ (0; 1), there exists a deterministic communication scheme with noiseless full feedback(δ = 1), such that the maximal tolerable error fraction γ (on Alice's transmissions) can be up to 1/2, theoretically. Moreover, we show that for any δ ∈ (0; 1), there exists a communication scheme with noisy feedback, denoting the forward and backward rounds noised with error fractions of γ0and γ1respectively, such that the maximal tolerable error fraction γ0(on forward rounds) can be up to 1/2, as well as the γ1(on feedback rounds) up to 1.

Liu, C., Feng, Y., Fan, M., Wang, G..  2008.  PKI Mesh Trust Model Based on Trusted Computing. 2008 The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists. :1401–1405.

Different organizations or countries maybe adopt different PKI trust model in real applications. On a large scale, all certification authorities (CA) and end entities construct a huge mesh network. PKI trust model exhibits unstructured mesh network as a whole. However, mesh trust model worsens computational complexity in certification path processing when the number of PKI domains increases. This paper proposes an enhanced mesh trust model for PKI. Keys generation and signature are fulfilled in Trusted Platform Module (TPM) for higher security level. An algorithm is suggested to improve the performance of certification path processing in this model. This trust model is less complex but more efficient and robust than the existing PKI trust models.