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Feng, Y., Sun, G., Liu, Z., Wu, C., Zhu, X., Wang, Z., Wang, B..  2020.  Attack Graph Generation and Visualization for Industrial Control Network. 2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :7655–7660.
Attack graph is an effective way to analyze the vulnerabilities for industrial control networks. We develop a vulnerability correlation method and a practical visualization technology for industrial control network. First of all, we give a complete attack graph analysis for industrial control network, which focuses on network model and vulnerability context. Particularly, a practical attack graph algorithm is proposed, including preparing environments and vulnerability classification and correlation. Finally, we implement a three-dimensional interactive attack graph visualization tool. The experimental results show validation and verification of the proposed method.
Feng, Y., Akiyama, H., Lu, L., Sakurai, K..  2018.  Feature Selection for Machine Learning-Based Early Detection of Distributed Cyber Attacks. 2018 IEEE 16th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 16th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 4th Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress(DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech). :173–180.

It is well known that distributed cyber attacks simultaneously launched from many hosts have caused the most serious problems in recent years including problems of privacy leakage and denial of services. Thus, how to detect those attacks at early stage has become an important and urgent topic in the cyber security community. For this purpose, recognizing C&C (Command & Control) communication between compromised bots and the C&C server becomes a crucially important issue, because C&C communication is in the preparation phase of distributed attacks. Although attack detection based on signature has been practically applied since long ago, it is well-known that it cannot efficiently deal with new kinds of attacks. In recent years, ML(Machine learning)-based detection methods have been studied widely. In those methods, feature selection is obviously very important to the detection performance. We once utilized up to 55 features to pick out C&C traffic in order to accomplish early detection of DDoS attacks. In this work, we try to answer the question that "Are all of those features really necessary?" We mainly investigate how the detection performance moves as the features are removed from those having lowest importance and we try to make it clear that what features should be payed attention for early detection of distributed attacks. We use honeypot data collected during the period from 2008 to 2013. SVM(Support Vector Machine) and PCA(Principal Component Analysis) are utilized for feature selection and SVM and RF(Random Forest) are for building the classifier. We find that the detection performance is generally getting better if more features are utilized. However, after the number of features has reached around 40, the detection performance will not change much even more features are used. It is also verified that, in some specific cases, more features do not always means a better detection performance. We also discuss 10 important features which have the biggest influence on classification.

Liu, C., Feng, Y., Fan, M., Wang, G..  2008.  PKI Mesh Trust Model Based on Trusted Computing. 2008 The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists. :1401–1405.

Different organizations or countries maybe adopt different PKI trust model in real applications. On a large scale, all certification authorities (CA) and end entities construct a huge mesh network. PKI trust model exhibits unstructured mesh network as a whole. However, mesh trust model worsens computational complexity in certification path processing when the number of PKI domains increases. This paper proposes an enhanced mesh trust model for PKI. Keys generation and signature are fulfilled in Trusted Platform Module (TPM) for higher security level. An algorithm is suggested to improve the performance of certification path processing in this model. This trust model is less complex but more efficient and robust than the existing PKI trust models.

Zhou, G., Feng, Y., Bo, R., Chien, L., Zhang, X., Lang, Y., Jia, Y., Chen, Z..  2017.  GPU-Accelerated Batch-ACPF Solution for N-1 Static Security Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 8:1406–1416.

Graphics processing unit (GPU) has been applied successfully in many scientific computing realms due to its superior performances on float-pointing calculation and memory bandwidth, and has great potential in power system applications. The N-1 static security analysis (SSA) appears to be a candidate application in which massive alternating current power flow (ACPF) problems need to be solved. However, when applying existing GPU-accelerated algorithms to solve N-1 SSA problem, the degree of parallelism is limited because existing researches have been devoted to accelerating the solution of a single ACPF. This paper therefore proposes a GPU-accelerated solution that creates an additional layer of parallelism among batch ACPFs and consequently achieves a much higher level of overall parallelism. First, this paper establishes two basic principles for determining well-designed GPU algorithms, through which the limitation of GPU-accelerated sequential-ACPF solution is demonstrated. Next, being the first of its kind, this paper proposes a novel GPU-accelerated batch-QR solver, which packages massive number of QR tasks to formulate a new larger-scale problem and then achieves higher level of parallelism and better coalesced memory accesses. To further improve the efficiency of solving SSA, a GPU-accelerated batch-Jacobian-Matrix generating and contingency screening is developed and carefully optimized. Lastly, the complete process of the proposed GPU-accelerated batch-ACPF solution for SSA is presented. Case studies on an 8503-bus system show dramatic computation time reduction is achieved compared with all reported existing GPU-accelerated methods. In comparison to UMFPACK-library-based single-CPU counterpart using Intel Xeon E5-2620, the proposed GPU-accelerated SSA framework using NVIDIA K20C achieves up to 57.6 times speedup. It can even achieve four times speedup when compared to one of the fastest multi-core CPU parallel computing solution using KLU library. The prop- sed batch-solving method is practically very promising and lays a critical foundation for many other power system applications that need to deal with massive subtasks, such as Monte-Carlo simulation and probabilistic power flow.