Visible to the public Blockchain-based Distributed Banking for Permissioned and Accountable Financial Transaction Processing

TitleBlockchain-based Distributed Banking for Permissioned and Accountable Financial Transaction Processing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsFan, W., Chang, S.-Y., Emery, S., Zhou, X.
Conference Name2020 29th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN)
Date PublishedAug. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-6607-0
Keywordsaccountable financial transaction processing, bank account, bank data processing, banking service, BDB, blockchain-based distributed banking, centralized banks, composability, contracts, cryptocurrencies, cryptography, Distributed Banking, distributed banking systems, distributed banking transactions, Distributed databases, distributed financial transaction processing, Distributed Ledger Technology, immutable transactions, Metrics, Monitoring, network accountability, permissioned blockchain, Protocols, pubcrawl, public key infrastructure, resilience, Resiliency, Resistance, smart contract, transaction processing

Distributed banking platforms and services forgo centralized banks to process financial transactions. For example, M-Pesa provides distributed banking service in the developing regions so that the people without a bank account can deposit, withdraw, or transfer money. The current distributed banking systems lack the transparency in monitoring and tracking of distributed banking transactions and thus do not support auditing of distributed banking transactions for accountability. To address this issue, this paper proposes a blockchain-based distributed banking (BDB) scheme, which uses blockchain technology to leverage its built-in properties to record and track immutable transactions. BDB supports distributed financial transaction processing but is significantly different from cryptocurrencies in its design properties, simplicity, and computational efficiency. We implement a prototype of BDB using smart contract and conduct experiments to show BDB's effectiveness and performance. We further compare our prototype with the Ethereum cryptocurrency to highlight the fundamental differences and demonstrate the BDB's superior computational efficiency.

Citation Keyfan_blockchain-based_2020