Visible to the public A bisectional multivariate quadratic equation system for RFID anti-counterfeiting

TitleA bisectional multivariate quadratic equation system for RFID anti-counterfeiting
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsZhou, X., Yao, X., Li, H., Ma, J.
Conference Name2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA)
Date PublishedJune 2017
ISBN Number978-1-5090-5756-6
KeywordsAlgorithm design and analysis, anticounterfeit scheme, bisectional multivariate quadratic equation system, BMQ polynomials, BMQE system, counterfeit, Databases, Encryption, encryption process, EPC code, Ergodic Matrix, finite field, Galois fields, Human Behavior, human factors, key generation process, matrix algebra, matrix sets, private key, private key cryptography, pubcrawl, Public key, public key cryptography, Quadratic, quantum cryptography, Radio frequency, radiofrequency identification, Resiliency, RF tag data encryption, RFID, RFID anticounterfeiting, RFIDs, set theory

This paper proposes a novel scheme for RFID anti-counterfeiting by applying bisectional multivariate quadratic equations (BMQE) system into an RF tag data encryption. In the key generation process, arbitrarily choose two matrix sets (denoted as A and B) and a base Rab such that [AB] = lRABT, and generate 2n BMQ polynomials (denoted as p) over finite field Fq. Therefore, (Fq, p) is taken as a public key and (A, B, l) as a private key. In the encryption process, the EPC code is hashed into a message digest dm. Then dm is padded to d'm which is a non-zero 2nx2n matrix over Fq. With (A, B, l) and d'm, Sm is formed as an n-vector over F2. Unlike the existing anti-counterfeit scheme, the one we proposed is based on quantum cryptography, thus it is robust enough to resist the existing attacks and has high security.

Citation Keyzhou_bisectional_2017